Ive always been one a them folk that looks for signs from God to solidafy my beliefs in thangs a suchwhats. I reckon thats just the christian way I been raised. So when I seen the latest Big 12 football statistical tabulations it was obvious to me that God was telling us Ags that we was indeed the 12th Man. And I reckon if I was folk from Seattle I'd fasten my eyes and ears to the Pacific in case your recent dabblins in 12th Man falsehood invokes the ire of God and a burning sulfur sunami comes a barrelin your way.
Let the statistics speak for themselves...
Scoring Offense
12th TAMU
Rushing Offense
12th TAMU
Passing Offense
12th TAMU
Total Offense
12th TAMU
Red Zone Offense
12th TAMU
Sacks Against
12th TAMU
Scoring Defense
12th TAMU
Rushing Defense
12th TAMU
Age when Spider attended his first "Spend the Night with the Corp."
Age when Spider first visited a child psychologist.
Age when Spider woked up in Farmer Johnson's sheep pasture wearing nuttin but his corp boots and a Chewy Chewbacka mask.
21 (sort of a backwards 12)
I don't reckon much more proof is necessary for learned folk. Texas A&M University is the only home of the world famus 12th Man.
Let the statistics speak for themselves...
Scoring Offense
12th TAMU
Rushing Offense
12th TAMU
Passing Offense
12th TAMU
Total Offense
12th TAMU
Red Zone Offense
12th TAMU
Sacks Against
12th TAMU
Scoring Defense
12th TAMU
Rushing Defense
12th TAMU
Age when Spider attended his first "Spend the Night with the Corp."
Age when Spider first visited a child psychologist.
Age when Spider woked up in Farmer Johnson's sheep pasture wearing nuttin but his corp boots and a Chewy Chewbacka mask.
21 (sort of a backwards 12)
I don't reckon much more proof is necessary for learned folk. Texas A&M University is the only home of the world famus 12th Man.