President Redistribution

"Give him credit for at least wanting to pay for it."

Why do you give credit to someone who proposes to take money from people who have earned it (and taxed) and saved it and in turn redistribute it to those who didn't? Typical liberal statement - just nonsense
I'm defend my *** kicking comment. Obama won 365-177 in 2008 and 332-206 in 2012. What do you find close about that. He also won the popular vote by10 million and 5 million votes respectively. Not exactly squeakers. No hanging chads were required
Might adjust your timetable a bit Deez. I would suspect most persons setting up 529s do it for living children and grandchildren, as did I.
And I can assure you that I do not qualify as wealthy under even the most generous qualification. These funds can be started with minimal contributions by those of us wishing to contribute in even the smallest way to the education of ones progeny.
Sorry, I jumped to that conclusion. Guess I have too single a focus right now. The whole 529 thing really topped off my anger with all 'taxing' issues.
No problem, Nash. On several occasions, I've posted after downing a few beers, so I'm no one to judge you having a single focus on this thread.
I don't see that you jumped to conclusion considering this thread is about BO's proposal to penalize middle class people who were finding ways to pay for their children's education themselves.
Considering the intent an context of the thread I also understood MrD;s post to be about the 529 program.

I love the ol take it from the rich plan.Which will be fine until people like MrD are added to the " rich" class and are asked to pay a much larger share than they are currently paying
because you know they can afford to.
mr d
Then why don't you pay more now?
It is very admirable of you to not want your son to have to pay in the future so why don't you pay more now?

Or are you like all the others who so nobly say they could and should pay more( including BO) but will not unless forced to by the gov't?
I am not at all offended. I am just amused by the noble offering of paying more.

You and I agree that the gov't should not keep overspending and pushing the debt to future generations. I think we are at the point now that it is our great grandkids who will still have a massive debt.

I just think rather than always calling for higher taxes we should cut spending. I know you see there are duplications waste and fraud all over the fed gov't ( and of course at every level of gov't).
larry T
We are 18 TRILLION in debt now. you think of any credible reason to keep overspending?

Don't you find your remark that no matter what We do the gov't will vote to overspend
I would hope everyone who cares about this debt and who does not want to pass more debt on would contact their legislators and demand a more balanced budget.
I think everybody in this thread agrees that we need to reduce spending. The question is about what we are going to do when new spending is happening even when we are against it. Should we pay for it or have our kids pay for it? Neither is a good option, but I would rather pay for it now so that the people that vote in big spending politicians feel some of the pain instead of future generations that didn't vote in the politicians and didn't see a penny of the spending.
Blather all they want no political figure in Washimgton will cut his, or her project when the rubber meets the road. There is plenty, more than enough, waste/corruption and fraudulent spending in every program to cut billions and still have a viable functioning Federal Government.
Just go to DC these days. Look at the excess everywhere, buildings are still being built. Where is there any slowdown. Sequestration my a_ _. Wonder how much was saved by eliminating vists by citizens to the WH? Give me a break.

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