Pregnant wife what to do

Gardner Barnes

250+ Posts
Any ideas for a night out that does not involve going to a bar? We are doing the Alamo open film night tomorrow (Saturday 1/10) but I need some ideas that a moderately pregnant woman and her husband would enjoy.

In other words, if you were going out on a Friday or Saturday and did not want to booze it up, what would you do? I am open to any interesting ideas.
GB's post dpresses me to no end

his life is over. People keep asking me when my wife and I are going to have kids....I am going to point them to this thread.

ok *******, I KNOW it looks depressing but it is actually kinda cool to have a little one on the way IF you are ready. Trust me when I say I am ready. Sure, It has just meant that we needed to learn to make some adjustments in our booze heavy lives, but it really has not been that hard. In fact, missing the bars is not really the problem. The issue is that she cannot be in a bunch of real smoky places like bowling alleys and off track betting halls

crayon - yes I did snoke and drink in high school - so think Field Scovell high school
Look into what plays are going on at places like the Vortex and when school kicks in, the Drama Dept. W/ your Id you get in for cheap. You have a choice or restaurants to choose from in those areas too so you can make dinner and a show.

During the day, take her to the Zilker Gardens, the museums and galleries downtown.

Oh, how about that Hill Country train ride? They have them during the weekend days but I think they also have one on Friday night that includes dinner. That could be a cool change of pace. I plan on doing that for my gf soon.

Make sure to check out the weekend section of the Chronicle for off beat things and ideas. Good luck and hope this helped some. Good luck w/ the kiddo.
GB - that was pretty damn funny... Field Scoville high school...

-Maybe things at Bass concert Hall or the Paramount or State theater. You know, Cultural crap. Also, cooking classes at Central Market might be fun.
I figured you would get a kick out of that
I still talk to FIeld every now and then. He is an orthopedic surgeon residnet now and lives in a house behind his parents.

Good call on the cooking class. Also, good calls by CL.
I'm a little late, and it's not exactly on topic, but the one piece of advice I'd give any newly pregnant people is to go somewhere before the baby is born. Someone told me before I had kids that after you have kids, you'll go on trips, but not a vacation. We travel with our three year old and 1 year old a lot, but there are no more vacations. Take a little "couple time" before the big day. And congrats.
SLEEP as much as possible.

Other things I advise people to do. Only open and wash a few things that you get and very few of the toys and other BS. You and Mrs. GB will figure out what you will use and your routine. My wife and I washed everything and took everything out of the box. Most of the craop we never used at all, even though the well-intentioned people that gave it to us said it was the best thing ever.

Babies-R-Us takes everything back in the box, but you're screwed if you take it out and wash it.

Also, the baby second hand stores are great. Because of the above reasons, there is a ton of great never or once used stuff for cheap. The toys there are great. Your little one will never know the difference and the new crap will look the exact same after he/she chews it and drops it a couple of times.