Pregnant due to rape = God's decision

I've already explained part of that: if the current law does not label an act as murder, then, to use your terminology, one of the "elements" is missing.
I never called abortion murder, and you haven't explained anything. You've spouted a lot of smug rhetoric with no substance, as you typically do any time a moral or arguably religious issue is discussed. I made a very clear assertion explaining that if a fetus was viewed as an individual, abortion would be murder.

You never called abortion murder but if a fetus is viewed as an individual (not a very difficult threshold) then abortion is murder?

Do you think about the things you think about?
I could break down the elements of the crime of murder and explain what I mean.

You're still not gettin' it, are ya?

One of those "elements" must necessarily be the law.

You don't even understand the distinction between a killing vs. murder.
my own judeo-christian-zoroastrian religious evolution continues and is in its 65th year and I appreciate the work that has been put in over the last two thousand years by christian thinkers in coming up with the appropriate distinctions between killing and murder; maybe someday theycan reach a consensus on what god is and is not responsible for. I would like to know if God is responsibe for the rape or could have prevented it but suspect he is not. But could he prevent the conception that occurs afterwards? If so, why let it happen when it will create such a crisis for the victim that she may kill/murder/abort the resulting fetus?

And so on..........

And I wish I could speak with such confidence about what he does and doesn't think about all these issues. He never really addresses them in his inspired books that I can see.

And if someone has the time, could they explain Mark 8: 22-25 to me?
God created all things - good and evil. The temptation of Eve by the devil in the garden of Eden was the onset of sin nature in man. If you study the Bible, it's actually quite interesting to see whats transpired since God created the universe. The moves and counter-moves between good and evil. I'm no pastor, but, I've never had anyone make The Word so clear and concise as Dr. Tony Evans. I was turned off by my lack of knowledge. Nothing seemed to make sense, in fact, some things seemed contradictory. Only upon investing time and the desire to learn are you given more and more understanding.

I'm no zealot, I'm a sinner, I'm not perfect. I'm bound to my sin nature as an inhabitant of Earth. Confessing your belief in Christ and His resurection doesn't make you or your life perfect. In fact, as Christians, we aknowledge our sins and we will be subject to torment and ridicule. Faith guides us (and has personally proven to me) that by the blood Christ shed on the cross, victory is ours.

What specifically are you wanting explained in Mark 8;22-25? I'll do my best to give you my explanation (which, may differ from someone else's)
re Mark: why spit on the blind man's eyes? And why did it only make him partially cured? Why did he have to do it again?

And do you really think there was a real place, Eden, or is it possible that it is just metaphor or myth? Did the Adam and Eve family have to commit incest to propagate? How come it was ok for them but not for us?

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