God created all things - good and evil. The temptation of Eve by the devil in the garden of Eden was the onset of sin nature in man. If you study the Bible, it's actually quite interesting to see whats transpired since God created the universe. The moves and counter-moves between good and evil. I'm no pastor, but, I've never had anyone make The Word so clear and concise as Dr. Tony Evans. I was turned off by my lack of knowledge. Nothing seemed to make sense, in fact, some things seemed contradictory. Only upon investing time and the desire to learn are you given more and more understanding.
I'm no zealot, I'm a sinner, I'm not perfect. I'm bound to my sin nature as an inhabitant of Earth. Confessing your belief in Christ and His resurection doesn't make you or your life perfect. In fact, as Christians, we aknowledge our sins and we will be subject to torment and ridicule. Faith guides us (and has personally proven to me) that by the blood Christ shed on the cross, victory is ours.
What specifically are you wanting explained in Mark 8;22-25? I'll do my best to give you my explanation (which, may differ from someone else's)