Predict Horns vs WVU Moutaineers

Texas 45
West Virginny 44

Holgorsen pisses off all of the refs and for the first time this year calls go our way.
I predict couches will be burned...of course, as we all are aware, outcome of the game has no bearing on whether couches GET burned.

Weather should be decent. I do not want to see the Hermans get into a track meet but am concerned that The Binder does not contain a chapter related to burning the clock via ground control. Major Tom fails in this regard.

I also have concerns that the senior 'leadership' on the defensive side of the ball is lacking in the ability to put the embarrassment and shame into focusness for THIS game. Instead, they are playing around on social media and living down to the descriptions given by Acho.

Sadly, this leads me to:

Texas 24
Couchburners 49
Less than stellar D against an offensive machine, but Sam and Home Field Advantage prevail:

Horns: 38
WVU: 37

One big change: No half game slump (we either score a lot in the first half then nothing in the second or vice versa - my prediction complete game)
Horns 28
Neers 38

Our inability to pressure the qb without selling out will be our downfall. The Wva Qb is mediocre at best under pressure so I think they'll go to quick routes and wideout screens to wear us out. Hope I'm wrong.