Use your Le Crueset dutch oven. I made a pot roast last weekend in a dutch oven. Mine was pretty basic. I rubbed the roast with olive oil. Put some pepper all over it, and then herbs de provencal and let it sit over night. The next morning I put the salt on it and seared it about 6 minutes per side. I took the roast out of the DO. Throw in some garlice, onion, carrot, and bell pepper and let cook for 3-4 minutes. Deglaze with about a cup of bordeaux. I let that cook off a few minutes and added 4 cups of beef broth. Put the roast back in the dutch oven and put in a 250 degree oven. Let it cook for 4-5 hours. Add the potatoes about an hour before you want to eat. I took my roast and veggies out of the pot when it was done and reduced the gravy down to a nice thickness. Enjoy.