Post-loss BBS phenomena

evil, I have some stats. Last I looked HornFans got around 20,000 unique visitors per day (based on IP). About 1,500 of those are logged in on any given day, although I don't have a stat on how often they post.

I've tried to keep HornFans from becoming too clique-ish. It seems to be one of the larger sites of its kind, and I like to think that its because we welcome diversity more than most sites of this sort.
My 11 year old starting booing when he heard everyone else. I whacked him in the head. He had no idea what or why people were booing just seemed to be the thing to do at the time.

Tonight is the first time I've been on Hornfans since the game and have seen all the posts about booing. I agree, booing kid (or coaches) ain't right. I think I'll go whack him in the head agin before he goes to sleep, just so he remembers when he gets older not to act like a little jerk kid.