Post Left Wing looniness here

I honestly don't have a problem with NPR airing the audio of an abortion. It is a factual matter, but I think it will backfire politically.

I think they wanted to make it to look like a routine medical procedure. In reality, you get a feel for how ghoulish and insensitive and flippant the people who do this actually are with the cheering and whooping. Democrats do best when people are as far away from reality and specifics as possible when it comes to abortion.

It's more the limousine liberals who seem to be wanting to depart. Good f'ing riddance, say I.
It’s the ones who fear that their previous virtue signaling starts to invite criticism. It’s all about looking more virtuous than the rest. If you can’t do that in Austin, try somewhere else. Imagine going to church and hearing criticism about your church practices? You would find a new church. Same for these phonies.
Forgot to post this when I read it but was just reminded.

Seattle Dem who pushed police defunding fumes at cops for not protecting her from feces thrower

"There is obviously a glaring inconsistency between this approach and the way in which former Mayor Durkan, after a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest was held a short distance from her mansion, was provided with a 24-hour stakeout for a full year," Sawant wrote in her letter, suggesting she deserved police protection as a result of the incidents. "As a socialist City Councilmember who has participated in Black Lives Matter protests, I am being told that my case of six threatening incidents involving human excrement doesn’t merit even a serious investigation, let alone protection."

That doesn't even look like a woman.

No, and it's clear what this is about. You have a group of generally pretty girls trying to win a beauty contest. Which one is prettiest is a matter of opinion, but they're all arguably pretty. Then you've got this big oaf who's clearly not pretty at all, and everybody knows it. However, the oaf has something the others don't have, which is that he can make the judges look righteous if they vote for him. He's fat, so you get "body positivity" points. He's an ethnic minority, so you get ethnic diversity points. He's got a big swinging schlong, so you get trans-friendliness points.

What does all that mean? It means that it's not really a beauty contest at all. It's a contest to see who can make the judges look righteous voting for her (or even him).

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