Post Left Wing looniness here

I get that it's Massachusetts and they elect staunch liberals and even drunk drivers who leave people to die, but really? Ted Kennedy didn't say stupid **** like this.

I think you are right.
Am surprised UK media raised questions and even more surprised their Gov't actually took a real look.
Just remember that we are about a decade behind them on this nonsense...some of us in the States tried to warn about what was coming and routinely got told that a fringe group of males was nothing to be worrying about.

The same warnings in the UK were hand-waved away circa 2010 and the rest is history...
To follow on the earlier comment...the twanz debate is not ALL that we are about a decade behind on...the EU is ALSO coming to the realization that the green crap isn't getting the job done and is NOT cost effective.

If there is ANYTHING good coming from the quagmire in Ukraine, it is watching several of the EU nations concede that renewables won't properly provide for a nation. They are going to nuclear (France) and we also see Germany apparently reverting to coal.

Those decisions overseas on coal, I believe, play into some of the pushback from the coalmining coalition speakers in Virginia when they talk about their foreign markets which will be harmed by this recent piece o' crap legislation passed by the House and that paid precisely ZERO attention to the real harms being visited upon Americans.

I can only hope that our oil and gas execs don't completely abandon some of the larger facilities since, at least if some maintenance occurs, they can be brought back online in a shorter window of time once we have a POTUS and Congress with a functioning brain cell and which realizes we NEED fossil fuels.
I can only hope that our oil and gas execs don't completely abandon some of the larger facilities since, at least if some maintenance occurs, they can be brought back online in a shorter window of time once we have a POTUS and Congress with a functioning brain cell and which realizes we NEED fossil fuels.
:bow: Nailed it, mb227! :bow:

Let's hope we can last until we do get a POTUS and a Congress that can think.
Doesn't this **** get old? All these big companies claim to be into pretty much anything that isn't white and straight. What does that have to do with selling mediocre products?

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