Post Left Wing looniness here

That is absolutely the way Biden was elected - people weren't voting for Biden, they were voting against Trump. I believe most of the folks who voted for Buden had no clue what the policies were in the Democratic platform. I went online and read the Democratic platform - and the more I read, the more I realized they are wrong!
this is an important point to remember for 2024 as well. And if DJT does announce his candidacy this summer as some are speculating, it will lose the GOP another 2-3 pts in the polls and we don't have much margin for error at the moment. As the polls are telling us, the 2A issue and the abortion issue have each given the dem's 2-3 pts from where we were just about 3 months ago. Maybe their emotion subsides and their enthusiasm wanes but the GOP (and DJT especially) should not count on that. If he announces before November the November elections will then be a referendum on DJT and the SCOTUS that he helped build. The GOP will still take the house but the Senate becomes a long shot if DJT jumps into the race before November. And if he does that, DJT will once again show us the "the Trump show" is the most important thing to Trump.
^Exactly. Time to shut up and let the Democrats' failures speak for themselves. Inflation will get voters out - and they will vote against the Democrats on this issue. There will be plenty of time after 2023 to get a slate ready for 2024.
I had to drop off an Amazon return at Whole Foods. Parked next to me was a car with Texas plates that said,"I luv PNW"
I showed remarkable restraint by not leaving a note.
PLEASE go back.
Maybe transgender needs better defining.
If a female just decides she is male but does not do bottom surgery to make her male. If she can get pregnant then she is still biologically a female.That would seem an insult to trans ftm who really transition
Maybe transgender needs better defining.
If a female just decides she is male but does not do bottom surgery to make her male. If she can get pregnant then she is still biologically a female.That would seem an insult to trans ftm who really transition
She will ALWAYS be biologically female, no matter what hormones, surgery, black magic, or other damage she does to herself in her quest to deny her reality. Every cell in her body will have two X chromosomes. That's female. Period. Full stop.
But Sangre If there was a more defined definition then whackos couldn't get away with the "Yes Men can get pregnant"
Oh forget it
there is no reasonability intellect or common sense with Anyone who says men can get pregnant and calls someone transphobic who disagrees
Don't take this as an insult of either of you, because none of this is your fault or your doing. However, do you all realize how frighteningly stupid it is that discussions like this are even happening among civilized adults?

The movie Idiocracy made fun of society thinking it was a good idea to use a sports drink too irrigate plants rather than water. As dumb as that was, it was a much more intelligent and more plausible idea than any of the controversies surrounding gender ideology.
And that Deez, the stupidity of this lunacy, is what I find so confusing. I keep thinking how can people really be this stupid?

Yep, we're twisting our minds into a pretzel - not just to be nice to delusional people by calling them by a preferred name or pronoun but to reorder and rearrange our laws, society, culture, medical science, and even personal and sexual relations to accommodate their delusion. It's the dumbest mess of horse crap I've ever seen a society of humans do, and it's largely being done by people who think they're the most intelligent and smart. It's baffling and convinces me that it's very possible to educate someone into stupidity.
Yep, we're twisting our minds into a pretzel - not just to be nice to delusional people by calling them by a preferred name or pronoun but to reorder and rearrange our laws, society, culture, medical science, and even personal and sexual relations to accommodate their delusion. It's the dumbest mess of horse crap I've ever seen a society of humans do, and it's largely being done by people who think they're the most intelligent and smart. It's baffling and convinces me that it's very possible to educate someone into stupidity.
Follow the money - just like BLM.
Progressive secularism doesn't have a stop button. It just keeps running over things. If all you consider is what is logical from a secular liberal or Progressive mindset, all this makes sense. You have to believe in some form of natural law to see how insane it is. Natural law = human nature or created order or Bible or objective morality.
I once read about an actor who played a doctor on tv and was getting lots of letters every week warning him about what some other character on the soap was up to. His point was that lots of people take literally what they see on television or the movies. The whole country is this way now, left and right. They think the flickering light on the screen is real. All our lives we are told that we can be anything we want if we just believe and want it. This leads to psychos shooting up schools to get the attention they deserve and other incidents of insanity. Look how many people voted for Biden without taking into consideration all the ramifications of electing a common vegetable to a position of power. Or, all the ones who lacked the capacity to diagnose or even recognize malignant narcissism in the tv actor they voted for. And no, there is no way of reversing this insanity.
Ruy Teixeira (co-author of The Emerging Democratic Majority) has officially been red-pilled. He's leaving the Center for American Progress for the American Enterprise Institute. Link. They went so far with the identity politics horse crap that even a pretty staunch leftist has had enough.
He didn't really change though right? He just changed what org he works for. It is a neoliberal, neoconservative group. He is a part of the "moderate" establishment that is pushing all the things that are causing us pain today, except for maybe the LGBT/BLM stuff, but everything else.
Ruy Teixeira (co-author of The Emerging Democratic Majority) has officially been red-pilled. He's leaving the Center for American Progress for the American Enterprise Institute. Link. They went so far with the identity politics horse crap that even a pretty staunch leftist has had enough.
This is left wing nuttiness in a nutshell.

"And personally, as an employee, he’s none too fond of the institutional dynamics that he says are driven by younger staff but embraced by higher-ups afraid of a public blow-up."
Bosses are afraid to be bosses. Musk fired the woke twatwaffles at SpaceX who attempted to use social media to virtue signal and foment an in house coup. That's what upper management at the DC think tanks don't have the huevos to do.

Those are junior level, entitled punks, and some of them need to be forcefully reminded of their place.
He didn't really change though right? He just changed what org he works for. It is a neoliberal, neoconservative group. He is a part of the "moderate" establishment that is pushing all the things that are causing us pain today, except for maybe the LGBT/BLM stuff, but everything else.
He didn't really change though right? He just changed what org he works for. It is a neoliberal, neoconservative group. He is a part of the "moderate" establishment that is pushing all the things that are causing us pain today, except for maybe the LGBT/BLM stuff, but everything else.

If it cracks and discredits woke looniness, I'll take it.

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