Post Left Wing looniness here

Nonetheless, a bunch of you will go right ahead and tune in and/or buy tickets and merchandise anyway. So, a bunch of crocodile tears from many around here.
Agree with leftists going along with Islam, but I think they do so because most of its adherents are non-white people.

A reason, yes, but not the main reason. Satan doesn't have to fill hearts full of hate against Islam because it is a false religion.

Leftists will go along with Islam as long as they can crush Christianity. Because Christianity worships the actual, real God.

This is the main reason.
Re: NBA in Saudi Arabia. I sure hope the NBA makes players wear rainbow pride uniforms for the games there.

Re: The bike race and NFL cheerleader. So bizarre women have been convinced to give their spots up for men - and so quickly over the past decade - after centuries of fighting to be placed on a level playing field with men.
Re: NBA in Saudi Arabia. I sure hope the NBA makes players wear rainbow pride uniforms for the games there.

Re: The bike race and NFL cheerleader. So bizarre women have been convinced to give their spots up for men - and so quickly over the past decade - after centuries of fighting to be placed on a level playing field with men.
The vast majority of those competitors were NOT asked whether they agreed with the policy changes. And if they speak out AFTER the changes are forced upon them, they lose sponsorship or scholarships.

I am waiting for the fallout from the Tampa Bay players who wouldn't wear the 'pride' uniforms yesterday...should be especially telling considering how quickly the team lost funding for speaking out on the gun control debate...
So far, just complaints on Twitter about the Rays players opting out of pride night. I'd love to see twitter after a Muslim player of any sport declined to wear pride stuff on his jersey.
So far, just complaints on Twitter about the Rays players opting out of pride night. I'd love to see twitter after a Muslim player of any sport declined to wear pride stuff on his jersey.

So stupid. We used to make fun of this kind of idiocy.

Ok. We've done that. Supply side economics has proven to not be effective in the US. It equates to more and more income inequality.

My feeling is this; more taxes will just get redirected to pet projects. It won't solve anything. It won't get spent as advertised. It won't retire debt. It's a hopeless situation. Cuts are the only thing that will actually work. We probably have at least 25% of the federal budget that is unnecessary and/or unconstitutional. And the debt is so bad. Nobody cares.

Nonetheless, a bunch of you will go right ahead and tune in and/or buy tickets and merchandise anyway. So, a bunch of crocodile tears from many around here.

Watch what?

The last professional game I saw in person was a spurs game 18 years ago because I got free suite tickets from UPS. Before that I saw a Cowboys game when Bill Parcels was the coach. Almost 20 years ago? I don't watch TV and don't even watch highlights. Besides them supporting organizations that think I should be punished for being white, I believe they are all a bunch of overpaid crybabies who think their opinions matter. I do have 1/2 season tickets for the Round Rock express because I don't think minor leagues are the same and they still have to pass the hat after home runs, however thats going to change next year. Since my daughter is finished playing college softball we now have free time during the school year so we're getting Longhorn baseball tickets.
My feeling is this; more taxes will just get redirected to pet projects. It won't solve anything. It won't get spent as advertised. It won't retire debt. It's a hopeless situation. Cuts are the only thing that will actually work. We probably have at least 25% of the federal budget that is unnecessary and/or unconstitutional. And the debt is so bad. Nobody cares.


Two things. First, you can't really choke them off unless you pass a balanced budget constitutional amendment. There hasn't been a serious push for that since 1995.

Second, income inequality is a stupid economic measure that only communists should really care about. That doesn't mean only communists care about the poor, but only communists (or closeted communists) care about the disparity rather than how the lower class is doing.

For example, I drive a Kia Sorento. Bill Gates has a collection of fancy cars. It's a big disparity that would anger your income inequality communists. What if both Gates and I were both forced to drive Yugos with no air conditioning.

Your income inequality communists would think that was great. The disparity would be gone. (It actually wouldn't be gone, because the communists themselves would be driving around in taxpayer-funded Mercedes-Benzes.) However, I would sit sweating in my Yugo pissed that I gave up a decent vehicle to make the Marxists more powerful and feel better about themselves.
Two things. First, you can't really choke them off unless you pass a balanced budget constitutional amendment. There hasn't been a serious push for that since 1995.

Second, income inequality is a stupid economic measure that only communists should really care about. That doesn't mean only communists care about the poor, but only communists (or closeted communists) care about the disparity rather than how the lower class is doing.

For example, I drive a Kia Sorento. Bill Gates has a collection of fancy cars. It's a big disparity that would anger your income inequality communists. What if both Gates and I were both forced to drive Yugos with no air conditioning.

Your income inequality communists would think that was great. The disparity would be gone. (It actually wouldn't be gone, because the communists themselves would be driving around in taxpayer-funded Mercedes-Benzes.) However, I would sit sweating in my Yugo pissed that I gave up a decent vehicle to make the Marxists more powerful and feel better about themselves.

"More just."

And the nuttiness continues - at Joel-Friggin-Osteen's church. Link. What's funny about this is that Osteen isn't some fire and brimstone preacher. He's a milquetoast, weak-on-the-gospel, self-promoter. I don't even consider him a Christian, much less an authority on the faith.
Chesa Boudin ****-canned. Link. Even San Francisco has limits to its idiocy.

As I read your post, I said to myself, "It's a right wing conspiracy!" Then I clicked the link and saw this at the top:

Chesa Boudin blamed the recall on the right wing. But S.F. voters who ousted him just want a city that works

Not to defend Wiener, but I don't think he's serious. I think he's trying to make a point. It's a stupid point with a lot of obvious flaws, but I think that's all he's doing.

I wouldn't put it past someone who's on the Legislative LGBTQ Caucus...

And the nuttiness continues - at Joel-Friggin-Osteen's church. Link. What's funny about this is that Osteen isn't some fire and brimstone preacher. He's a milquetoast, weak-on-the-gospel, self-promoter. I don't even consider him a Christian, much less an authority on the faith.

The protesters haven't sat through a sermon since they were small children or ever. They couldn't tell one difference between Osteen and the preacher at the itty bitty church 10 miles away. They picked it because it's famous.
The protesters haven't sat through a sermon since they were small children or ever. They couldn't tell one difference between Osteen and the preacher at the itty bitty church 10 miles away. They picked it because it's famous.

Oh, I know. I just think it's kinda silly, because if any big, national pastor would sell out on something, if would be Osteen. It just shows how dumb these people are.

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