Post Left Wing looniness here

I was searching for good news today, and I found it

Ellen DeGeneres moves to England, and 'never coming back' to US
And Richard 2nd Gear moving to Spain. Although he doesn't make me think disgusting like Degenerate. Just wish he would take George Clowney with him.

And Richard 2nd Gear moving to Spain. Although he doesn't make me think disgusting like Degenerate. Just wish he would take George Clowney with him.

Is Gere taking his gerbil too?
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Joe Klein quits the Democratic Party.

I was going to post that. Dems are in a world of hurt. They followed the Ann Richards model of appointing incompetent folks based on identity instead of competence. Dems have yet to recover in Texas.
I am for it. That pic alone explains why.
But so far it is all speculation.
If he only stops fake women/fake men fron joining that is a start. No transgender treatment or surgeries at our expense.
Stephanie Miller, the previous director of military accession policy, told reporters in 2021 “the number of service members who self-identify as transgender could range from 1,000 to 8,000, including those who may not seek treatment. Other studies have said the total could be as high as 14,700.” AP reported.
This is certainly some brilliant marketing. Alienate your longstanding customer base and go after a small, niche market. This Jaguar CEO is a really smart person.

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