Post Left Wing looniness here


I really don't understand some of the stuff I am hearing and seeing. I've never seen this level of hate for any political figure in America.

I'm trying to stay positive. The election will be over on Tuesday and my Cybersecurity program at McCombs ends the following week.

My wife bought me this to celebrate. Not wearing it until I finish.


Democrats really don't understand how f*cked up they look to normal people when they embrace gender ideology. I think they assume they look smart and moral becaue it's embraced with a religious fervor among academics and in big corporate boardrooms, but they look like dangerous lunatics to almost everybody else.
Watched some lefty loon Karens vids screaming and crying about Trump. Good for laughs.
Why do so many have nose rings?
How do they blow their nose?
Biden administration copied the Ann Richards administration for promoting incompetence. GOP will win every presidential race until Dems fix this:

Watched some lefty loon Karens vids screaming and crying about Trump. Good for laughs.
Why do so many have nose rings?
How do they blow their nose?

I don't understand weird body piercings. Nose rings, lip rings, tongue rings, and eyebrow rings just look stupid. I also don't understand piercings of private areas like nipple rings or Prince Alberts. Seriously, what the hell is the point?
@Garmel I'm a little surprised to get an Agree from you on this one. Though I wouldn't assume you had a Prince Albert, if you had one, it wouldn't shock me. lol
I don't understand weird body piercings. Nose rings, lip rings, tongue rings, and eyebrow rings just look stupid. I also don't understand piercings of private areas like nipple rings or Prince Alberts. Seriously, what the hell is the point?
What's the point of pierced ears?
My Trump/Cruz sign is still in my yard. Many neighbors have hung Yuge Trump banners.
Last night someone came on my property and vandalized my sign. Thinking it was kids I replaced it at 6:45 this morning before I went on my run. As I got back in neighborhood and could see my house I saw my sign was gone again. WtF? It likely was someone I see many mornings out walking or running.

What kind of azzhole person has so much hate they would go on someone's property and destroy property.
I will get another sign but put it where there is camera coverage. :brickwall:
What kind of azzhole person has so much hate they would go on someone's property and destroy property.
You're rubbing it in their faces and gloating about it. Sure, it pisses them off. That doesn't justify vandalizing a sign on your property, but you're not entirely innocent in this affair.
My Trump/Cruz sign is still in my yard. Many neighbors have hung Yuge Trump banners.
Last night someone came on my property and vandalized my sign. Thinking it was kids I replaced it at 6:45 this morning before I went on my run. As I got back in neighborhood and could see my house I saw my sign was gone again. WtF? It likely was someone I see many mornings out walking or running.

What kind of azzhole person has so much hate they would go on someone's property and destroy property.
I will get another sign but put it where there is camera coverage. :brickwall:
What kind of person would do that? They are called "liberals" and/or "democrats". Most are deranged, but should not be pitied because they are vicious and spiteful.

I would find those vandals and tell them you know the family that owns half of Uruguay, and you will be glad to broker their purchase of a farm from that family.

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