Post Left Wing looniness here

Is there a limit to the Dems evil fraud? Stunning that they thought it would never be caught.

"The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) announced a further wave of contract terminations late Saturday, noting that they also identified thousands of cases where more than $300 million in loans were granted to children.

DOGE said it identified that the Small Business Administration (SBA) granted nearly 5,600 loans for $312 million to borrowers whose only listed owner was 11 years old or younger at the time of the loan. The loans were issued in 2020 and 2021 – while the world struggled with the COVID-19 pandemic – and it is unclear what they were used for.

While it is possible to have business arrangements where this is legal, that is highly unlikely for these 5,593 loans, as they all also used an SSN with the incorrect name," the agency wrote.

"@DOGE and @SBAgov are working together to solve this problem this week," they added.
Idiocy continues to reign supreme from the left - MSN. Jasmine Crockett continues to spew the far-left line - and apparently doesn't bother to get the facts straight before talking. If she is becoming the new voice of the Democrats, it's a good sign for the GOP. IMO the majority of voters will not accept this line of patter.
Is there a limit to the Dems evil fraud? Stunning that they thought it would never be caught.

"The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) announced a further wave of contract terminations late Saturday, noting that they also identified thousands of cases where more than $300 million in loans were granted to children.

DOGE said it identified that the Small Business Administration (SBA) granted nearly 5,600 loans for $312 million to borrowers whose only listed owner was 11 years old or younger at the time of the loan. The loans were issued in 2020 and 2021 – while the world struggled with the COVID-19 pandemic – and it is unclear what they were used for.

While it is possible to have business arrangements where this is legal, that is highly unlikely for these 5,593 loans, as they all also used an SSN with the incorrect name," the agency wrote.

"@DOGE and @SBAgov are working together to solve this problem this week," they added.

All the covid handouts were a terrible idea, and the haste with which they were given out made for extreme fraud.
And the hits just keep on comin' - Bernie Sanders Thanks Performer Who Sang Song Attacking Christianity at Pre-election Rally › American Greatness. Is there no limit to the idiocy of the far left?

Bernie Sanders is a sad figure. He was never good, but he used to at least have a few interesting positions and could think for himself. For starters, he used to downplay identity politics culture wars, because they took focus off economics amd alienated people. Second, he was for a strong border. Finally, he was pro-gun. In fact, he got into Congress by running to a liberal Republican's right on guns and with NRA backing. But in recent years, he has become a typical liberal hack.

Similar to Elizabeth Warren. I've heard that before she moved to Harvard, she was far less of a crackpot. In fact, she was a Republican at one point.
All I can say is that the military goes through multiple scenarios and have a group of people decide what to do next. What I have heard is that every time they go through these scenarios the decisions result in general nuclear war. What data do you have

Bernie Sanders is a sad figure. He was never good, but he used to at least have a few interesting positions and could think for himself. For starters, he used to downplay identity politics culture wars, because they took focus off economics amd alienated people. Second, he was for a strong border. Finally, he was pro-gun. In fact, he got into Congress by running to a liberal Republican's right on guns and with NRA backing. But in recent years, he has become a typical liberal hack.

Similar to Elizabeth Warren. I've heard that before she moved to Harvard, she was far less of a crackpot. In fact, she was a Republican at one point.
Elizabeth Warren was my first year contracts professor at UT in 1981-82. She was visiting from UH law, I think.
Bernie Sanders is a sad figure. He was never good, but he used to at least have a few interesting positions and could think for himself. For starters, he used to downplay identity politics culture wars, because they took focus off economics amd alienated people. Second, he was for a strong border. Finally, he was pro-gun. In fact, he got into Congress by running to a liberal Republican's right on guns and with NRA backing. But in recent years, he has become a typical liberal hack.

Similar to Elizabeth Warren. I've heard that before she moved to Harvard, she was far less of a crackpot. In fact, she was a Republican at one point.
Before Warren moved to Harvard, she was an Indian so not sure how accurate your assessment is.
Maybe it’s worth recounting my memory of Elizabeth Warren as a law professor. Contracts is a year long class, and because she was a young visiting professor, they didn’t give her a whole section (115 students), it was half that. So we were more in a traditional high school classroom type room, not a large downsloped auditorium. She taught with high energy in a Socratic method. Questions, responses, critiques, examples,—rapid fire from the opening to closing bells. I ended up making the AmJur award—highest grade in the class—so I was pretty interactive all the time. I thought her overall teaching quality was very high. You could tell it meant a lot to her. So, I give credit where credit is due.

The material was very apolitical (the UCC can even be quite dry), but in any event, she was never political in her presentations. No activism, no undercurrent of political snarkiness, no opinion steering. It has surprised me that she turned out as she has.
Maybe it’s worth recounting my memory of Elizabeth Warren as a law professor. Contracts is a year long class, and because she was a young visiting professor, they didn’t give her a whole section (115 students), it was half that. So we were more in a traditional high school classroom type room, not a large downsloped auditorium. She taught with high energy in a Socratic method. Questions, responses, critiques, examples,—rapid fire from the opening to closing bells. I ended up making the AmJur award—highest grade in the class—so I was pretty interactive all the time. I thought her overall teaching quality was very high. You could tell it meant a lot to her. So, I give credit where credit is due.

The material was very apolitical (the UCC can even be quite dry), but in any event, she was never political in her presentations. No activism, no undercurrent of political snarkiness, no opinion steering. It has surprised me that she turned out as she has.

I like professors like that. You could always tell who cared and who was going through the motions.

The UCC is a colossal bore, but the Contracts sections are borderline exciting compared to the Negotiable Instruments article. Most boring friggin class that I've ever taken.
Maybe it’s worth recounting my memory of Elizabeth Warren as a law professor. Contracts is a year long class, and because she was a young visiting professor, they didn’t give her a whole section (115 students), it was half that. So we were more in a traditional high school classroom type room, not a large downsloped auditorium. She taught with high energy in a Socratic method. Questions, responses, critiques, examples,—rapid fire from the opening to closing bells. I ended up making the AmJur award—highest grade in the class—so I was pretty interactive all the time. I thought her overall teaching quality was very high. You could tell it meant a lot to her. So, I give credit where credit is due.

The material was very apolitical (the UCC can even be quite dry), but in any event, she was never political in her presentations. No activism, no undercurrent of political snarkiness, no opinion steering. It has surprised me that she turned out as she has.
To be fair, almost all people who achieve a high standard of excellence in their field is invariably stupid in other fields.
Bernie Sanders is a sad figure. He was never good, but he used to at least have a few interesting positions and could think for himself. For starters, he used to downplay identity politics culture wars, because they took focus off economics amd alienated people. Second, he was for a strong border. Finally, he was pro-gun. In fact, he got into Congress by running to a liberal Republican's right on guns and with NRA backing. But in recent years, he has become a typical liberal hack.

Similar to Elizabeth Warren. I've heard that before she moved to Harvard, she was far less of a crackpot. In fact, she was2 a Republican at one point.

Unfortunately, at some point, Warren went totally off the rails after her professor / legal lecturer position at UT.

Pocahontas became a DULL, lonely, shrill, self-absorbed, liberal, America hating nut.
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I don't even know who that is. I will look him up . Damn this is scary. Dem pols and Legacy media, shows like the View are ramping these crazies up.
Not sure there is a civil way to stop them

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