Phil Elliott 5,000+ Posts Sponsor Nov 26, 2018 #2,978 It never occurred to me that a dog could understand anything but English.
Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts Nov 26, 2018 #2,979 Phil Elliott said: It never occurred to me that a dog could understand anything but English. Click to expand... We used to run hunting dogs and our trainers were adamant German is the best language for dog commands. But, as that clips shows, a good dog can work with anyone
Phil Elliott said: It never occurred to me that a dog could understand anything but English. Click to expand... We used to run hunting dogs and our trainers were adamant German is the best language for dog commands. But, as that clips shows, a good dog can work with anyone
M mb227 de Plorable Sponsor Nov 28, 2018 #2,981 Any chance he can tackle? It would redefine getting some beef on the line...
M mb227 de Plorable Sponsor Dec 2, 2018 #2,985 Joe Fan said: Click to expand... I can SO relate to that...and yeah, those dilweeds that insist on parking their luxobarge right next to me will inevitably have a rug-rat that manages to damage the paint on my car that cannot be matched except by repainting the entire vehicle.
Joe Fan said: Click to expand... I can SO relate to that...and yeah, those dilweeds that insist on parking their luxobarge right next to me will inevitably have a rug-rat that manages to damage the paint on my car that cannot be matched except by repainting the entire vehicle.
Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts Dec 8, 2018 #2,989 LonghornCatholic said: Click to expand... Is the gap later welded? In any event, that was cool, never seen it before
LonghornCatholic said: Click to expand... Is the gap later welded? In any event, that was cool, never seen it before