Position Question


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As much as I think I know about football, I don't know the difference between a player who plays OT vs OL. What is the difference other than their location on the line? The MW commitment got me thinking about this. The center clearly has a different role as the guy who snaps, but what makes the role of OT vs OL distinguish who plays?

I also have the same exact question for DT vs DL. It just seems to me like these positions could be/and perhaps are very interchangeable as far as who plays them.

OL (offensive line) is the more general term. OT (offensive tackle) is the more specific term for a position on the OL (offensive line). An OT is a member of the OL, but not not vice versa. The same applies for the DL (defensive line) and DT (defensive tackle).
Thank you,

But then maybe I've misunderstood, but why is it I hear that a player may play at an inside tackle position, but may not play outside? I know players should try to stick to what they're used to in practice, plus over time you gel together as a line when you stick to the same area and know your teammate's tendencies, but shouldn't they otherwise be able to move to inside, outside at will given the duties are almost identical?

And, I assume its the same for DL vs DT?
I'm sure there are coaches on this board who can answer this more accurately and in more detail than I can but since I've read a few posts like this before, I'll give it a try. The body type and specific skills sets of the player often determines which position he would be ideal for. I can't be much more specific than to say that OT's tend to be taller with quick feet and longer arms to deal with the quicker defensive ends while the interior OL, the guards and center, tend to be shorter and perhaps more powerfully built to try to match the giant defensive tackles. I also read once that the interior OL tend to be shorter to allow the passer to have less obstructed view down field but I'm not sure how accurate that is since there are some tall guards and centers out there. Also the needs of the team may require a more versatile player to play away from his ideal position.
OldHippy, thank you for taking this question seriously and answering it seriously. And thank the rest of you for not makeing some smart-*** remarks.
It all depends on the style of offense that your running. I-formation, straight ahead, hey-diddle-diddle-let's-run-up-the-middle offense is one on one or double team blocking with a blocking back coming before the runner. The OL usually puts the beef and heavies outside at tackles and the quick feet inside at guards and center. The spread style, which we use now, employs more zone blocking rather than attack, requiring the heavies outside to be quicker as well as handle the uncovered tackle (without a tight end) to handle the speed rush on pass protection. Guards in this type generally are the beef, but nearly all of the OL must become more nimble, be smart enough to handle the assignment checks at the line and strong enough to volley from run-zone block to pass protection with offensvie line checks to pick up blitzes.

Mason Walters plays center at his HS and excells. His size may make him look like a prototypical tackle but again, we don't run that straight ahead rushing attack. So you may see him at center or guard.

Big, strong and mean yes. Quick, nimble and smart as well. That's why I keep saying, we may be looking at some very special years coming up for UT football. Hang on...the ride is about to begin.

Thank you. I think I previously also said DL vs DT, but should have said DE vs DT.

The explanation for inside vs outside on the line was very helpful. I suppose as a coach some of these things also work them self out when you work with the kids directly.
mcbrett. As I read your second post over again, I wondered if you were confusing the tackles on the OL with the tackles on the DL. On the OL, the guards play on each side of the center and the tackles play farther away from the ball, lateral to the guards. The offensive tackles often play across the line of scrimmage from the defensive ends. While the defensive tackles, in our type of defense, often play close to the ball and across the line of scrimmage from the guards and center. So the offensive tackles and and defensive tackles often do not play directly across the line of scrimmage from each other, even though they are both called tackles.

Mason Walters is a offensive center in high school but because he is taller, some people here think he may end up playing tackle on offense. The coaches probably have an idea but they are not allowed to talk about players before they sign a letter of intent next year.

On the other hand, someone here on this board speculated that Kyle Kriegel who is a defensive end in high school might put on weight and move inside to play defensive tackle in college.

But you are right in saying that the coaches will ultimately determine those player's most appropriate positions once they get to work with them in practice.
In addition to what OldHippie stated, where a player plays also depends to a large extent on where they desire to play. Mack has said this on several occasions so it seems he is letting players play the position they want when they come in. If they do not do well enough to make an impact at that position, the coaches apparently guide/push the player to a position where he might be better suited. As far as I can tell, players are not forced to play a position they don't want to play.

Also, some players apparently tell the coaches early on that they will play wherever the coaches think they can make a contribution especially if that means getting playing time sooner. I don't remember the specifics but Drew Kelson comes to mind - being shifted from Safety to LB and back to Safety. In that case, his talents were not fully utilized, in my opinion.

Melton is a case where the coaches let a talented player play his preferred position before guiding him to a position where he is better suited. And I hope he has a great year at DE.


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