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It's accurate, but it runs counter to the idea that the tax cuts cost us money, which was the BS charge that Democrats put forth. If they were right, we wouldn't be talking about a "growth rate."
A policy discussion about nonsense isn't a serious discussion. Furthermore, our political media isn't competent to lead such a discussion. We constantly hear the belabored point about the tax cuts costing a bunch of revenue (which is false), but when we hear about the GND, I never hear talk about how it's going to be paid for with any kind of serious analysis. We hear about dumping the Trump tax cuts and cutting defense. Well, we could close the Pentagon and dump the Trump tax cuts, and it wouldn't even come close to paying just for the socialized medicine component of the GND. It would cover about 1/3 of it. But who's confronting Sanders or AOC about that? Nobody. Until we're ready to explain where that other couple trillion dollars per year are going to come from, there is no real policy discussion.