majorwhiteapples 5,000+ Posts Sep 25, 2014 #2 Awesome Win! Khat Bell tweeted she apologized to the Longhorn Nation for the Heart Attack!!!!
U UTExinPDX 1,000+ Posts Sponsor Sep 25, 2014 #3 Didn't look good the first two sets, but the Longhorns pulled through!
BabHorn 10,000+ Posts Sep 25, 2014 #6 that was an awesome match! WVU was not intimidated and Texas was just plain flat the first two sets. Wish I had been able to listen to the coach at the break. Texas just was a bit better the last three sets to pull it out.
that was an awesome match! WVU was not intimidated and Texas was just plain flat the first two sets. Wish I had been able to listen to the coach at the break. Texas just was a bit better the last three sets to pull it out.
C cmtsip 500+ Posts Oct 7, 2014 #7 And the wins just keep coming! This team is something special. Hooked 'em some Bears tonight in three!
And the wins just keep coming! This team is something special. Hooked 'em some Bears tonight in three!
DINO22 1,000+ Posts Oct 9, 2014 #11 Breean Davis for Texas Tech is good. She is 5'11. And got a arm out of this world.