Pluckers in SW Austin

Looks like the old Black Eyed Pea building on S. Lamar will be the sight of the new Pluckers...good call Texas97. Saw the sign up the other day.
Great news... thanks for the 411, y'all!

I still don't know what the old Wolfe Nursery is going to be; they're still working on doing nothing fast over there.

There is now a big Pluckers sign on the old Black Eye Pea... As of last weekend... Not sure what they've done to the inside, but it does look like they intend to open there at some point...

As for the old KFC at Barton Springs and Lamar, there was a sign on that last week saying that it was going to be the triathlon/bike shop that is currently on Barton Springs right before Zilker. I can't remember the name, but it's right across from Chuy's and hasn't been there all that long.
I work with one of the Plucker's founders in another company and I can confirm that the South location at the old Black Eyed Pea off Lamar will be open no later than mid February.

I too live south and cannot wait to have a decent sports bar near by. I know that this location will be like the Round Rock store and should have plenty of kick *** plasmas
At first I heard they opening up in February also, but as of a month ago on the website, it says March is their date. I hope its open in time for march madness. I also saw they are opening one in the lakeline area...Interesting...
someone posted on another thread that the old wolfe nursery is going to be an italian restaurant called Canoli Joe's by the guys who own County Line. not sure on that.

anyway, i hope pluckers owns by march madness. i am thinking of taking the 1st 2 days of the tourney off for vacation. if they are open, might try to hit the new pluckers one day and then 3rd base the next....
As long as they're plopping big boxes in the sunset valley development, how about a Golfsmith or Golf Etc or Golf Galaxy or something? It seems like every other development north of Mopac and 183 has been getting one and all we have for golf stores south is that place on Lamar.
Pluckers question -- I have a Pluckers Club card. How can I check how many points I have? And can I only use it at one restaurant? I registered it at the Burnet one but live much much closer to the new one opening.
I drove by yesterday and it is still a work in progress. I hope they are doing a ton on the inside because the outside doesn't seem to change much.
Went by a couple of days ago; line out the door & around the corner.
Stopped by to see if they were open; it was a "soft" & invitation only for free food & beer.

& I didn't have one.


The girl @ the door said they ARE opening this Sunday the 11th.

I will be a frequent visitor... my cholesterol will attest to this. Can't wait for them to hand out coupons ("koop-uns" according to Tater Salad) for free wings after UT home games this fall. If they do that @ baseball games, someone has to jack me a zillion...

That invitation event is usually to train their wait and bartender staff. I remember my friends at Dell recieved an invitation for the Round Rock Pluckers before it opened. It included free beer and food, can't beat that. I believe my first day at this pluckers will be next Thursday...
I was there. Not free beer but free food. I am a member of the Pluckers Club $20. They just looked at it and didn't scan it in. Can I go buy again? ;-)
So my wife, myself and my daughter were actually the very first official customers yesterday at the new Pluckers. Everyone cheered when we walked in, got some free food, and then one of the owners filmed us at our table.