Pluckers by campus?


500+ Posts
A friend of mine told me a while back that the Pluckers by campus was moving down the street or something. Have they done that? Is the new one open? Thinking about maybe going there for lunch and some World Cup games.
the apartment place wanted that spot so bad that they are paying to build a new pluckers nearby (across the street?)

the new pluckers will be noticably larger than the North Austin location.
Simmons Vedder, the development company that is responsible for the Quarters developments for students will be building a large parking garage in between Hardin House and where Pluckers is now (The lot is cleared). On the ground floor of the garage, there will be a new, larger Plucker's similar to the one in RR.

I don't think it will be ready for at least a year. They haven't even poured a foundation and the garage will be large enough to service 5 large, midrise apartment buildings.
SV missed their chance (because of financing I think) to start the 1,100 space parking garage, more apartment unit, and 40,000 SF of retail. I say missed their chance because the completion date we be after school started in the 07-08 school year. As such, most all of the new units would sit empty for a year. Look for completion prior to the 08-09 school year.