Planned Parenthood Rep for Post-Birth Abortion

Roger. The baby isnt inside the woman's body. Its been birthed. Dude. Really? What can you possibly say to that? Its a live human baby that has just been delivered. Are you seriously saying that they have a right to murder it?

Really? Answer me that. To hell with guns or first trimester or anything else. You have a live freaking baby on the table. You gonna kill it? So help me God, you are a sick bastard if you say yes.
I'm still waiting to hear why opposing assault rifle bans means you're in favor of killing six-year-old school kids? And why do you support doctors murdering newborns? By your logic, you do, so don't come on here saying "I said it was indefensible" - you can't say something is indefensible and then proceed to defend it. In fact, you support PP and its mission.

Roger, why do you support PP's mission to teach junior high kids how to use sex aids, promote sexual activity and sell them on the idea that if they get pregnant they can just have an abortion on demand? What makes you think turning classrooms into porn shops will somehow make them better people? And why do you support an organization whose outreach programs to children would get them thrown in jail if they weren't working for PP?
I'm actually pro choice for the first trimester. But I have much more of a problem with babies being killed (what this thread is about) than what some guy somewhere says about women tht have abortions.
I THINK that he is trying to say that if women are murderers for having abortions, then people who support gun rights are murderers for supporting something that will eventually lead to the deaths of children. It's warped, but I think thats what hes going for.
Well, in the first place I don't believe women who seek abortions as murderers. Its actually possible to be against abortion in all forms without considering the women involved murderers.

Do you consider all AK47 owners to be murderers of 6 year olds? You seem to indicate as such.

Final point.....have you noticed how you're the only lefty on this thread advocating your position? None of your idealogical allies on this board have joined you. That should tell you that, well, you've really staked out a position that is full of crap.
If someone thinks abortion is murder, every abortion results in murder. An astronomically small number of assault rifles kill people.

Furthermore, it is illegal to kill children. It is called murder and it is the most highly punishable crime we have. Gun rights advocates are just as mad about kids getting killed. They just don't blame a tool that could be easily substituted. Some people just think all children shouldn't be killed. Lunatics, I know.