Photoshop needed: Home of the UT MAN


< 25 Posts
This would be too sweet, now that the Aggy Minister of Propaganda (Byrne) has begged for an Orange Out.

Can someone provide that to us all, for laughs using their stadium sign and modifying it.
Starter pic.
I think someone should take a sheet and cover up the 12th M with UT F. That would rock and totally make my year.
God, whoever pulls that off at the stadium will be as famous as Davey Crockett and Vincent Valdez. They'll name a building after you.
Hell, I would say you would be the man if you did it when there wasn't a game going on and take some pics of it.
this has got to put the aggy in a flippin flipped-off mood.

they'll be calling for heads and sayin sips are classless for descrating their precious tackle box with photoshop.
Thanks guys. I've been looking for the right photoshop mix for a little email Molotov to toss at aggys tomorrow. These are splendid. GOO is right. This won't stand.
jtk... You stole my line, but I took it a little bit of a different way as far as the execution. Enjoy


BTW... just for accuracy's sake... I think there actually are just 12 of them.
It just dawned on me...that is one hell of an ugly *** stadium, in the middle of no-*******-where. Good lord that place is ******* wretched.
just for hypothetical sake, how big of a banner would be required to cover up the "th M" with an F? how many people would be necessary to hold it there (including a reasonable buffer zone from aggie fans)?