Thanks a lot for all of the TERRIFIC works of art that you've done with The-Coach-Formerly-Known-As-Fran. Some of them are just great. I'm really pleased to see a felllow Bama fan use his creativity to remind everyone of what The Fraud is *really* like, in stark contrast to the glossy, "good guy" image he likes to project.
And THANKS to all the great LongHorn Fans for being so generous and gracious to allow us Bama fans to visit this fine Texas website. I think you all realize that there are going to be thousands of Bama fans that will be shouting "Hook 'Em Horns" when you line up against a particular football coach. All we ask is that you keep the score respectable. You know, something like 300 to ZERO would suit us jine fine!
BamaZoine - One minor request : The excellent photo and quote from Coach Bryant needs a slight correction. The word "LOYALTY" is misspelled. There is no "i" after the letter "L". Not trying to be picky; just thought that we might as well spelll it correctly in case someone would like to printout that picture. And please keep up the terrific "Artwork de Fraud". It's been really enjoyable.
Longhorns - Thanks for letting us vent so much. And please feel free to visit our Bama boards and join in our discussions.
Hook 'Em, GORE 'Em, & Roll Tide Roll !!!