Nobis is my all-time favorite Horn.
When I told my coach that my Dad had tickets to the '64 Cotton Bowl, he told me to watch the sophomore linebacker #60 rather than the Outland Trophy winner, Scott Appleton. He was right, Nobis was everywhere. Coach Royal later said only two of his recruits could have made NFL rosters out of high school; Earl was the other one.
Saw several of his games over the next two years.
Toward the end of the Agricultural and Mechanical game in '64 there was a small fight on the field near the North End Zone. Nobis was on the bench because the issue was decided. To rescue (?) their schoolmates from certain destruction, a whole bunch (20+) of uniformed Aggys came out of the stands on the South East corner, many with their booties and swords (I do not recall if any of them drew their sabres from the scabbards, but....). Nobis took about three steps out on the field near the 50 yd line. He was holding his helmet in the crook of his arm. The Aggys stopped and retreated into their (unused) seats. I swear they looked like Keystone Kops confronted by Godzilla. DOES ANYONE ELSE REMEMBER THIS?
In '65, my Dad and I came to Austin to see the Tceh game. It rained like hell the whole time, but I remember they used to allow umbrellas. At some point later in the game, the Tcehsters needed to score badly; but getting the first down was the immediate objective. They ran Donny Anderson (three time All-American on some lists-drafted somehow as a Junior by Green Bay to replace Hornung) on four successive sweeps: left, right, left, right. Each play resulted in a short loss, and Nobis met Anderson face to face on all four tackles. I've never seen anything like it before or since. These two were about the best in college that year (especially if you go by draft position) and Nobis pounded Anderson like a tent peg.
I treasure my copy of Sports Illustrated with him on the cover, even though the jinx worked- his knee was injured right afterward. The cover story was reprinted in the SI commemorative issue after the '06 Rose Bowl.
My sister said she went on a date with him in New Orleans once, but I do not believe her. I know she went out a few times with Hix Green because I met him, but Nobis--I doubt it.