Phil's Ice House

i just got back from lunch there, it was good. i love sweet potato fries. they have a cool little three mini burger variety plate, i enjoyed it.
Went with the family on Friday night (I was SUPPOSED to be at the Disch watching the Horns spank the ags, but the ags are a bunch of rain-fearing wussies -- but I digress). Anyway, we got there around 6:15, weather was nice -- warm, but a good breeze. The patio and playground were PACKED. As we walked in, we saw several other folks/families that we knew, greeted with hugs, etc. A total neighborhood family place vibe. We got lucky and got a table pretty quickly, but that was because we worked the patio like vultures. They could easily add another 3-4 tables in that space, and they should -- they may not have done so right away because they didn't anticipate the business being so hopping. Well, it is -- so get those tables, and pronto!

Wife and I got burgers, kids got chicken tenders. The chicken tenders were the same ones everyone uses -- fine, but not a religious experience or anything.

The burgers were very good. I got the classic cheeseburger, wife got the one with barbecue sauce. I liked the toasted sourdough bun a lot, and the patty had an excellent grilled flavor to it. HOWEVER, it was a bit on the small side, and it was a bit overcooked -- I understand that they need to be cooked through, but it was cooked enough to be a bit tough and chewy. It was a good burger -- I'd give it a 7 to 7.5, but it could have been a GREAT burger -- a 9 or better -- if they made the patty a bit bigger (I'm talking another ounce or two of meat -- not much needed) and didn't cook it to death. The fries were good, and the sweet potato fries were a hit.

So, suggestions:

Add tables and chairs
beef up the burger patties
don't overcook the burger patties -- medium would be fine

Still, it was a great place to sit, have a burger, let the kids run around, and visit with our neighbors. We will definitely be back. We love family-friendly joints, and Phil's is an excellent such joint.
We went to Phil's last night. All in all, I was fairly impressed. My cheeseburger was very tasty, with special mention going to the sourdough bun. The fries were totally forgettable, although I have to admit I didn't try the sweet potato fries. My wife said they were good.

My main complaint would be that the burgers are a bit on the small side (1/3 lb), and I'd agree that they are just a bit overcooked. Next time I'll order the "mini-burger" sampler -- it's 3X 1/6 lb burgers with different toppings, so you get a bit more food and some variety, too.
Went there last night with the wife and kid. Wife got the blue cheese burger which she really liked. I got the burger sampler platter and while the toppings were good, the burger itself was overcooked. $7.50 was a bit pricey for three miniburgers considering my daughter got two miniburgers on her kids plate for $4.

I guess I'm used to Texas-sized servings of fries with burgers and I could have used some more fries with my burger.

All that being said, it's a great place if you've got kids and we'll definitely be going back. I'll just order a full-sized burger next time.
The 3 miniburger plate gives you more meat than one full-sized burger. The lady at the counter said the minis were 1/6 lb (3 = 1/2 lb), but the regular burger is 1/3 lb.

I think 1/3 lb is a bit small for most guys.
We really appreciate the feedback, we have added tables, we have had a meeting on quality control and to not overcook the burgers. All of your feedback is greatly appreciated. As for price, we priced the burgers with fries so people would feel they were getting a better value. Anyone who is in the restaurant biz will tell you our cost of goods is 30% is even on the high side, cost high=profit low. We have changed some things on the menu and hear everything ya'll have to offer. Once again, thanks, Amy and I really appreciate ya'll's business. Hook'em Horns!
Amy and Steve Simmons '86, MBA '92
Keep it up, Amy and Steve. It is becoming one of our family "go-to" places -- the kids love it.

We noticed the additional tables on our last visit (although we still had to do the vulture thing -- maybe even some MORE tables? Hey, too much popularity is a good problem to have), and the burgers were not overcooked, so nice work on getting the bugs out of the system.

Still, if there could be an "upsize" option on the patty -- for example, if they are currently 1/4 lb (4 oz), maybe offer a 1/3 lb (5.33 oz) option for a 50 or 75 cent upcharge?
Amy & Steve . . . seriously, if you'd consider a 1/2 lb burger patty, I think my family & I would eat at your place a couple of times a month. My kids already love the playground.
I sent an email directly to JimmyJazz, so I let ya'll in on it. The burger patty is 1/3 pound and if you want more meat the "Phil-i-buster" is two 1/3 pound patties. I have only seen two people able to finish it, both chowhounds. As fo for tables we tried the "grandma" tables and they are not holding up, so we ordered some of those industril all weather picnic cafe tables and they are on the way. Basically more tables are on the way! What else? I ate at Phil's last night with the patty issue in my head and the conclusion I came to was it wasn't the size of the patty, it was that the buns are big and puffy. So, what to do? Sheila Partin makes our buns and we could talk to them, but homemade buns are going to be different than machine made.... Anyway, that is the update, we hear ya'll, we are die-hards also. Rosebowl Vets, Atlanta basketball regionals etc. Love them horns. Thanks ya'll
Amy and Steve

p.s. Monday night is MOOOOOVIE night at Burnet rd.
I like the buns, and understand the puffiness/meat ratio issue.

But I'm with Jimmy, now that I realize the burgers are 1/3 lb already. Give us a 1/2 lb option, and we're golden. We're already going to be there quite a bit -- that move could put it even higher on my list (making my kids even happier).
It's not like I'm some sort of carnivore who has to eat 8 ounces of meat every meal. I just don't like thin hamburgers. They cook through too quickly.

A thick 6 oz burger looks comical. Instead of smashing it out thin, I say add more meat.

I rarely even finish a 1/2 lb burger. A waste? Yeah, I'd rather pay a bit more and throw some away than pay less and eat a shingle. (Not that Phil's are shingles, but they are too thin and a bit overcooked, in my opinion.)

Why not just offer both? DON'T get rid of the buns, though. They're awesome.
I ate there yesterday for the first time. Steve came out and introduced himself to see how everything was..... which was fine. Most enjoyable and they seem to be trying really hard. Good Horns who I'd like to see do well.
Went again with the family last night (my poor, poor wife was supposed to cook a meatloaf that I had left in the fridge. She tried, but she just couldn't believe that it was done, so she just gave up and took everyone to Phil's -- I met them there).

Got the 3 mini burger basket. That seems to be the way to go for me. Kids had a ball running around. The bopped around the playground with Bruce Robison's kids (he was there with the brood in tow -- Kelly was not with him, which was fortunate, as it would have been awkward, what with her massive crush on me and all -- or is that the other way around?)

It has definitely become one of our go-to places when we need to relax with the kids. They are happy, safe, and entertained.

One last, TINY criticism/suggestion, though -- the door to leave the ordering area opens the wrong way. It opens conveniently for the folks coming into the restaurant from that back lot, but not many people come in that way. It SHOULD open conveniently for the folks leaving the order area, usually with drinks in hand.

Hey, I'm a detail guy and a micromanager. You know, if you're asking.
Durkee, I am thinking that after the "kid hours" (probably ending around 9:00 or so), it IS more of an ice house. Great patio, big concrete shuffleboard setup, and they are actually soliciting suggestions as we speak for what kind of beers to have on tap (I doubt that my suggestion of "free and cold" will go very far).

But I can definitely see it as a decent place to sit outside and enjoy the night air and a couple of frosty beverages. There would still be some ice cream shop crowd, so I imagine you might need to keep the "sweet mother of f$#@" shouts down when you stink it up at shuffleboard, but that's about it.

Of course, I'll still do most of my drinking at the Little Longhorn, but that's because I am a class act.
It is outstanding that the actual owner of the business is reading this board and offering comments.

Only in Austin, very cool.
I went there a few weeks back, and the brugers were good. My buddies and I all really liked the sweet potato fries.

However, I was a little disappointed... the word IceHouse to me means a place to hang and drink a few beers, but that's not the goal of Phil's I don't think. There's no waitress, and the beers in the cooler could use some more ice come 7pm.

All in all a good place for food, and I've been back and will go back again for that, but not the best place to go have a few beers with the guys.
The Horn Fans have spoken and we HEAR you! This weekend we started offering the 1/2 pound burger! Eat your heart out! Also, I have passed on the comment about the ice on the beer, DONE! The mugs are frosted and make the beer frosty cold. As for the "Ice House" comments, we wanted to make a place for the whole family; kids;playscape, ice cream, parents; burger and wine/beer. We wanted to go down the road of Mad Dog and Beans, but we all have grown up and had kids since then, sooooooo anyway, here is a place you can get something to eat and have a beer too! Thanks all of you and looking forward to seeing ya'll here!
Amy and Steve

Sidebar; I got a welder for my birthday and my wife didn't get me a welding jacket, so I went to the welding supply and all they had in an XL was Sooner red and a foofy sea foam green. I am sure you all know I am welding in that sea foam green. Better dead than Sooner red!
Excellent, Steve. I am confident that we'll be there again within the next week (have I mentioned that my wife REALLY can't cook?), and I'll be sure to get the new 1/2 lb burger.

We're enjoying watching the place evolve, and give some more "community" options for the area. Allandale really is a great place to live, and it's nice having something so family-friendly around the corner.
Had the 78704 burger at Phil's yesterday and I would have to say that it was phenomenal. I had hear so much about Casino El Camino's burger and the good things about Phil's Icehouse on here that I checked them both out this weekend on a visit back to Austin. I would have to say that Phil's will be giving Casino a run for the best burger in Austin next year. And to think, you won't have to wait 45 minutes for burger you could have made at home. I will say the chili cheese fries at Casino rocked.