Philly Mayor:Media ignores black on black killing


"Black-on-black violence is a “disease” that deserves a “national investigation,” Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter told a Youth Violence Prevention forum in Washington on Monday.

“It is a disease,” Nutter said. “It’s a rash, and if there were a rash killing a hundred and some odd young people on a daily basis we’d be doing something about it.”

Nutter said tainted food gets more attention than young people killing each other"
"Nutter noted that homicide is the leading cause of death for black men between the ages of 16 and 34. In Philadelphia last year, 75 percent of the city’s 316 murder victims were black men and 80 percent of the arrests involved black men, he said."
"So I think that we need to have a serious conversation, not only about Trayvon Martin – and I won’t take anything away from that discussion – but the thousands of people who are killed all across the United States of America – black, white, Latino, Asian, anybody else – (it) is a serious national issue that deserves a serious national discussion,” Nutter said."
The Link

You know from my several similar posts on this I agree with Mayor Nutter. yes Trayvon's death was tragic but it is NOT more tragic.
Too bad nothing will change and we will see the race hustlers both on here and nationwide flame the racism fires over this one tragic incident
I guess the point of the article, the point that Mayor Nutter makes :'But, Nutter added, “There is no national investigation about this issue--that black people are killing black people all across the United States of America.”
was too complicated for some to grasp.
I think this lack of comprehension sadly exposes the gaps in our educational systems.
bag, I have a few questions for you. What's your goal in society? Are you a proponent of racial division or racial integration? A quick check reveals you're on Hornfans (specifically West Mall) more than any other forum. Why Hornfans? There exists such a multitude of great political forums where left, right and middle coexist without the blatant recaltrancity you've exhibited and continue to exhibit - even in simple discourse.
I bet his ancestors laugh at him. They went thru Slavery, Jim Crow, Military Segregation and so much more ******** that very few people alive went through or caused and he lives in the 2010's, they laugh at how tough he thinks he has it vs. how it was for them.
Its pretty easy to understand why there isn't any "national investigation" or national news story for black on black crimes. Simply put, the issue is too complex for your average news consumer to grasp. There are too many variables that finally result in one black kid shooting another black kid in the inner city. The news can't begin to cover the story in a 3 minute clip or interview.

Conversely, the Trayvon situation is simple enough to be covered in a 2 minute piece.
That SH post is the most sophistic but telling post on WM I have seen in a long time.
thank goodness SH couldn't post during the 60's when the Civil Rghts Acts were being formulated and passed.
It was funny to see NBC apologize for the deliberate and malicious editing of the 911 audio by claiming it was an "error" in the editing process and that they will investigate to see how it happened.

Umm... we all know exactly how it happened. If I start with the premise that clearly this is a racial crime, there's nothing wrong in NBC's mind with doctoring tape to make it seem more obvious to the masses. This is the same thing they did in the Dateline SUV scandal - "hey, we know eventually the thing is gonna blow up, we're just helping it along a little!"
The "topic" as clearly posted in OP is a mayor of a major city lamenting the lack of national investigation of black on black violence.
here let me repost, just so you can be clear on the topic
from mayoe Nutter
"So I think that we need to have a serious conversation, not only about Trayvon Martin – and I won’t take anything away from that discussion – but the thousands of people who are killed all across the United States of America – black, white, Latino, Asian, anybody else – (it) is a serious national issue that deserves a serious national discussion,” Nutter said."

But let's pretend we are outraged that the mayor chose to use the word rash because we can't understand what he is saying.
Does anyone have anything to say about the high rates of black on black violence?

I mean, it sounds like the good Mayor, who clearly has no interest in suggesting that the Trayvon Martin outrage is problematic, wants to use that nationally projected case to bring light to BoB violence so as to ameliorate the problem, as opposed to simply following the current, primarily punitive protocols.

How might the mayor's ultimate goals be obtained.

Kill government entitlement programs for able-bodied people to encourage them to get jobs. The work may be hard but they would be too tired to kill each other.

I agree with most of what you have stated, but I don't think that would really get at the violence. It isn't just a matter of role models being absent.

Because the drugs are illegal some alternate means of deciding power structures within the drug market obtain, and a culture arises around those alternate means. Generally, and not just in African American enclaves, that alternate means involves brutal violence.

Marginalized demographics further marginalized by the war on drugs and the militarization of the drug trade, in addition to the incarceration rates, the unemployability after incarceration, the endless and impossible to fully digest interruptions visited upon the youth by the police apparatus.

The increase in incarcerations since 1970 is dramatic and a tragic national scandal that is largely ignored. Blacks and browns, of course, have suffered the most.

If we can survive alcohol and tobacco and legal substances, substances that are incredibly destructive of the mind and the body, then we can survive the legalization of everything.

Look at Portugal, a drug running highway. Their legalization campaign has seemingly bore some fruit. I would say it is worth a try.

The most damning thing that can be said of the War on Drugs is that it has never really won a battle. The odd and meaningless skirmish here and there, but, overall, an utter waste that heaps on debilitating punishments that sap the life out of our own populations.

F the War on Drugs. It is a cancer that we have invited into our body politic as a cure for the common cold (I consider drug use basic to human existence and addiction something to be treated when necessary).

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