Phil Robertson, suspended by AE

Point taken. However is the reverse true?
Can a company with a large Christian customer base just as easily terminate a Gladd employee that espouses their point of view in the public when it is offensive to the customer base ?
But if a Christian company fired a gay for espousing their view public how long would it take the ACLU to sue for the fired gay?
Or how long would it take a judge to rule the gay has to be rehired similar to the judge ordering the bakery to bake a aedding cake for a gay couple?
Ignoring the gay issue that has consumed most of the attention, Jesse Jackson is throwing the race card, again. He smells opportunity to get a big donation from A&E and Cracker Barrel. Now A&E has got real problems.

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I am guessing Phil is the wrong guy to ask to issue an apology for his statements. A&E is probably telling Phil if he just apologizes, everyone will be "Happy, Happy, Happy." Phil then silently thinks about the apology request. After a couple of minutes of reflection, Phil looks at Jase and say's "Lets go catch some frogs." and leaves the room.
F Jackson. He's doing his best to keep racism alive. He's good at it too. He should be as he's a Racist with a capital "R". He has made a fortune in promoting it.
Has anyone read the article? I'd be curious to know what the actual context of his comments were. Of course the "rev" is going to argue that he is trying to say that blacks were happier under Jim Crow and that we should go back to it - which is of course ridiculous and even he knows that.

I could see him saying something like that in the context of someone asking him about race relations and how bad they are and particularly asking about racial tensions in the south. In that context, he'd just be saying that look, even back in those days, we didn't have the strife that we have now based solely on skin color. In the context of a discussion on his experiences with racial tensions in the south, his response makes sense.
A&E just announced that DD will resume filming in the spring with Phil Robertson. They released a rambling justification for their actions, but it all boiled down to one thing: DD makes them a boat load of money and they don't want to lose it. So much for political correctness.
That's a pretty gross oversimplification, especially since most people who identify with the church of Christ do not consider it a denomination, but the church that was established in Acts 2. The scriptures teach pretty clearly that there's one church, with one head (Christ). There are certainly a number of Christians who don't understand the difference between being a member of the church and being self-identified with a group that has "church of Christ" on the sign out front.

I'm not sure how Phil Robinson would answer that question, but as someone who worships with a group with one of those signs out front, I can say you're making a very broad generalization. Unless you're not making a distinction - in which case I'd argue that just about every religious group claiming to be a Christian denomination would say you have to be in the body of Christ in order to be saved.
I can't find a link, but I hear he wants to leave Duck Dynasty now to start a new show to promote his interest in a rifle company.
Where in the Bible does it say that eating too much is a sin or that being fat is a sin? There are statements about being wise and productive and sensible which I think would lead us all to a healthy diet and level of activity. But where is obesity called a sin?

I see what you're getting at, and you're correct that being fat isn't inherently sinful. Furthermore, if I was writing a sermon on the issue, I'd focus on the gluttony and overeating issues more than on the state of being fat. However, I still think we're splitting hairs over the difference between gluttony and obesity is bit of a cop-out. Yes, it's possible to get fat without overeating, but let's be real. Obese people usually don't get there by eating in moderation or even occasionally overeating on holidays. They get there by consistently eating too much.

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