Phelps vs. Crocker...

Sorry HinK-Wood:

Musberger would be ten times better than Costas!!!!!

Musberer and Keith Jackson would be my dream team at the Olympics!!!!

Go NELLIE!!!!!!

I just have always disliked his pompus little ***!!!!

He never played a sport since JR HS!!!!

Doggett in the Gymnastics and Rowdy are awesome, they see it like it is, Costas reminds me of Alex Trebeck. Acts like he knows the answers!!!!

Sorry to disagree!
i'd like Seth Davis to be at the olympics. he'd go absolutely ******* nuts!! it's be awesome! even if it were jsut a fraction of how crazy he goes during college basketball games.
The 100 fly looks to be Phelps' toughest individual race. The guy from Serbia has looked great in the heats and semis (swam the 2nd fastest time ever in the heats), and of course Crocker has the world record. Phelps will be going up against 2 guys who have swam this race faster than he ever has, and both of them have been sitting around waiting for this event while he has been at the pool pretty much all day every day since the Games started.

The 4 x 100 medley isn't a slam dunk either; the Aussies have faster breaststroke and freestyle legs than the Americans, at least on paper.
that other guy was just at the wrong place in his stroke and 'coasted' in and it cost him.

I am pretty surprised at my reaction, but I'm pretty pissed that Crocker missed a medal by .01...... and that Phelps beat him... at least I take solace that Phelps best isn't as good as Crocker's best.
No, he coasted the last second and that slowed him down just enough for Phelps to finish ahead, barely. If Cavic gives one last stroke, he wins. Tough luck.

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