Petition to support Bruce's right to refuse

To reveal our evolved sensibility, Phil.

The fake interest in a minority's opinion to foster support for the overall mechanism of control.
The whole concert? Yes. Does he have a right to cancel the tickets for a subset who support the bill because he disagrees with them?

But isn't one concert in NC singling out people in NC out of his overall audience? Given that BS "serves" many 100s times more "customers" than does Sweet Cakes, isn't his exclusion of one state's fans vs. the other 49 about on scale, more or less? At least Sweet Cakes refused service to the very people that they found objectionable - BS is painting the entire state with one brush that says they ALL believe the way their lege does.

I don't see the difference. BS provides a service to the public that they pay for. BS is withholding said service to a specific portion of his customers because he does not like the way he believes they think. Sweet Cakes is not allowed to do this very same thing, Why does BS get a pass?
At least Sweet Cakes refused service to the very people that they found objectionable - BS is painting the entire state with one brush that says they ALL believe the way their lege does.

Yes, they discriminated against a legally protected minority rather than making a business decision. The analogy of choosing not to do business in a state to discriminating against a group of people is beyond absurd.
What if the Hornets made the NBA Finals? Would the league make them play their home games in the Finals in another state? What about the rest of their home playoff games? Would/could TNT or ESPN refuse to air those games if they were played in NC?

Houston voters somewhat recently refused to pass an ordinance that would have let 40-year old men in dresses have legal access the little girls restroom. That ordinance may have even made it a crime for a business owner to refuse to comply. At the time of that vote, both the NCAA Final 4/Championship and the Super Bowl were already scheduled in Houston. Although there was some jibba-jabba from the perpetually aggrieved class about punishment, neither event was canceled and it appears no serious thought was given to canceling (indeed, the voters who killed that city ordinance were the same ones who elected the US' first openly gay big city mayor to multiple terms). But you have to wonder how that will go in the future.

One solution to rebut this type of discrimination from sports leagues/NCAA in the future would be for more, not less, states to pass these types of bills. If they did, a very amusing situation would result where the available arenas for the big sports games could play in would shrink down to a handful. How does the Super Bowl in outdoor stadiums in Massachusetts and New York every February sound? (no doubt the NFL would offer plenty of $750 NFL-branded parkas). The Georgia governor has already vetoed one case. But what if just three more states, Florida, Texas, Louisiana (i.e., the largest chunk of all Super Bowls) were to pass something similar to what North Carolina did? It would get interesting.

Below is the local TV ad that played in opposition to Mayor Anise Parker's proposed ordinance. In my opinion, this single-handedly killed it --

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So the mayor of Santa Fe has banned any city employee from travelling to NC in an official status
As the mayor packs his bags for Dubai.
I wonder if this mayor or Bruce or PayPal
can ever admit the double standard even to themselves.
This is a really good commentary on the bathroom issue, IMO:

"Transgender and unisex bathroom regulations empower terrible people. Sexual predators are diabolical, and the worst thing the law can do is to make access to women and girls in their most vulnerable and private moments easy for predators. It’s insane.

Bathroom controversies demonstrate the evolving priorities of the radical left. Protecting women from harassment is yesterday’s fight. Today it’s time to smash gender and eradicate sex differences. After all, only a bigot would be offended by the sight of another woman’s penis."

- David French, NRO
Anyone shocked?

"..... The retailer went on to say Brown admitted that he was in sole possession and control of the cake until he posted his video, which showed the UPC label on the bottom and side of the box.

“After reviewing their security footage of Mr. Brown, it’s clear that the UPC label was in fact on top of the cake box, not on the side of the package,” Whole Foods said. “This is evident as the cashier scans the UPC code on top of the box, which you can view here.” ..."

Anyone shocked?

"..... The retailer went on to say Brown admitted that he was in sole possession and control of the cake until he posted his video, which showed the UPC label on the bottom and side of the box.

“After reviewing their security footage of Mr. Brown, it’s clear that the UPC label was in fact on top of the cake box, not on the side of the package,” Whole Foods said. “This is evident as the cashier scans the UPC code on top of the box, which you can view here.” ..."

I was suspicious of this from the beginning. For one thing, the handwriting for the word "***" is different than for the rest of the cake. This SJW didn't even do a very good job with his hoax. Link.

Sounds like Whole Foods is seeking sanctions against this guy and his lawyer. My guess is that they'll be denied - too controversial in a solidly gay-friendly venue. (Judge Dietz would have granted them, but he retired last year.)
Judge Dietz Nutz?

That was his attitude, but I'm referring to former Travis County District Judge John Dietz. He was a liberal judge, but he was old school, which means a stickler for the rules and didn't take any BS off of anybody, even if agreed with their politics. He also kept a list of all litigants and attorneys that he had sanctioned mounted on the wall in his courtroom. It was lengthy.

My first contested hearing was in front of him, and I was scared to death. When you've just started your first job practicing law, the last thing you want to do is go to a hearing and not only lose but come back to the office with a $5,000 sanctions bill that'll get your boss held in contempt and jailed if he doesn't pay. Fortunately, I won that hearing and came back a hero rather than goat, but I was sweating the whole time.
There is an obvious question that I have yet to seen asked. What about athletics? If transgendered folks should be allowed to use whatever bathroom they choose then why should they not be allowed to compete for whatever athletic team they choose? Shouldn't trans men be allowed to compete on the women's Olympic weightlifting team and vice-versa of course?

Looks like I got ahead of myself. This issue has been discussed already by the Olympics. Looks like trans-women can compete but have to have hormone replacement therapy with a waiting period.
It was interesting to see a biz stand up instead of rolling over and pandering.
This fake "hate crime" is merely the latest in a long string of fakes this year. I wonder what the ratio is of "oppressed minorities" faking hate crimes for attention is versus actual hate crimes?
Amazing that there are so many stupid people who think they will get away with it
It was interesting to see a biz stand up instead of rolling over and pandering.

They had no choice. Considering the location of the store in question and the type of shoppers it serves and markets itself to, if this guy's story had been true, it would have been a major black eye for Whole Foods. It's one thing to piss off the gays if you're a small bakery in Mentone, Texas that sells to rednecks. It's quite another thing to piss off the gays when you're a grocery chain that sells to Austin hippies (and gays). They had to fight this guy and play hardball with him.

And for what it's worth, I've handled cases against Whole Foods. They don't go to war like this on every case. If you have a solid claim against them, they'll make you go through the motions and try to pay as little as possible like any other business, but if they know your case has merit, they will pay out money to settle it. I think they're easier to deal with than HEB and FAR easier to deal with than Walmart.

Amazing that there are so many stupid people who think they will get away with it

Most people who do this don't get called on the carpet in a civil lawsuit, and the person they're accusing usually doesn't have almost irrefutable proof that their claim is garbage.
True most don't get involved in lawsuit. I am speaking of the ones who get exposed that it was a hoax or lie.
Like the Ivy League black prof who had to admit she put the noose on her own door or the gay person who accused a wait person of writing a anti gay smear on the bill or just yesterday the story that came out about the black student at Iowa who said he was attacked by 3 white guys but CCT showed not only did that not happen but he was actually the aggressor in several fights
and on and on and on.
Do these fakers ever consider they hurt the cause for which they made up the hate crime?
i have a contract to fix an air conditioner in texas and texas passes a law saying I have to speak swedish when fornicating with possums. I dont personally fornicate with possums but think it wrong texas wants to require possum fornicators to speak swedish while doing so and so I say I will not perform the acts required under the contract. Should I be held accountable to the folks who suffered as a result of my not fixing the air conditioner?

I think so; in the future I will not make contracts to fix air conditioners in texas unless they either repeal the law or I learn swedish.

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