"I posed this question earlier and I'll ask it again. Does a candidate need to be soft on illegal immigration in order to garner Hispanic support? "
If you see not coming out for completely uprooting and displacing people who have been in the United States since childhood as "soft" on immigration, then I think Latinos will generally be "soft"
A child comes here at five, is well educated in Texas public schools, a community college and working towards a four-year degree in a needed profession. Do we want to lose the citizen? If you say "Yes" then you are probably losing Latinos, who don't have a xenephobic fear of other Lations and expect them to be assimilated and productive in one or two generations. I think Latinos, even ones here for several generations, are more likely to see the immigrants as humans first and lawbreakers second. If you've ever watched the debate on the illegal immigration issue at a Republican gathering, it's easy to see the hate. Latinos may join the Republican Party, but they won't join the hate and they find it offputting.