Perry: Time to Hand our Problems to God and Jesus

Hold my nose and vote for Perry. I'm getting pretty good at that unfortunately. I'll take the egotistical aggy over the socialist every day.
That's your opinion, which is fine. I happen to believe that there is an unhealthy fear of God and faithfulness in this country and the results of this are sadly obvious.
Jesus himself had ancestors which were Gentile, Rahab and Ruth. So if Jesus' ancestors could be another "race", then that kind of nullifies your point.
that's right Monahorns, and Rahab and Ruth were DIRECT ancestors of Jesus (by which I mean they were Great Great Great etc Grandmothers). Rahab was a prostitute from Jericho (i.e. a Canaanite") while Ruth was a Moabite.
that's right Monahorns. Rahab and Ruth were DIRECT ancestors of Jesus (by which I mean they were Great Great Great etc Grandmothers). Rahab was a prostitute from Jericho (i.e. a Canaanite") while Ruth was a Moabite.
We need more God and more faithfulness in our society, not less.

That said, we need the sincere kind of faithfulness.

There is nothing wrong with asking for God's guidance. We should do that daily. The greatest leaders in our contry's history asked God for guidance in their decisions.

Asking for God's guidance is not the same as establishing one religion upon the country. Not even close.
The quote from Tom Jefferson reminds me that Tom didn't rely on the government to take care of his needs, by golly. He had a bunch of black slaves to do it. And he still spent himself into debt. One of his needs was to get his rocks off and he didn't depend on the government for that either. He had Sally Hemmings, whom he owned. Their offspring were slaves too, of course. Good old Tom.

Dr. Johnson, apropos Tom's rantings said that he found it strange that the loudest howling about liberty came from the drivers of slaves.

Quoting Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln is a nice substitute for making cogent arguments if you are lazy.

My problem with Perry's public prayer efforts is that he has not called for Texans to pray about our state's high dropout rate, low scores on educataion tests, its meager healthcare for poor kids, its last in the nation workers' comp system or its extraordinarily high incarceration rates. He hasn't asked us to pray to God for Texas juries to quit sending innocent people to prison and death row.

I suspect he is just another bible beating dishonest politician like most of the rest of them.

If God gave a rat's rear end, we would not have these problems to begin with. He lets us sort out our own problems, which is why He gave us minds slightly superior to that of cockroaches.

EDIT: Austinbat quoted Tomas Jefferson and I've been on a kick Jefferson kick lately.
"My problem with Perry's public prayer efforts is that he has not called for Texans to pray about our state's high dropout rate, low scores on educataion tests, its meager healthcare for poor kids, its last in the nation workers' comp system or its extraordinarily high incarceration rates. He hasn't asked us to pray to God for Texas juries to quit sending innocent people to prison and death row. "

You know huisache, as I read the Bible I think God would call on us to care more about those issues than marginal tax rates or gay marriage.
The article you linked referred to Perry's days of prayer with:

"How did that work out."

I'd call that bashing. Perhaps it is more like "mocking". Hey, if the writer is into taunting God that's their life I suppose.
I'll bash him. Wonder what you guys think this means? I think it's pretty important:
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others.
Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."
Gadfly, good point and I appreciate your honesty. I'm no Perry fan but we need something better than we have in the White House. Sadly, he'd be a major imporovement.

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