Perry sends Guard Troops to Border

ABC did a story on other nations treat illegals.
No other nation releases illegals in hopes they will show up for a court date.
Most stop them at their border and send them back OR send them back to the country from which they entered.

We are putting these illegals on planes and buses and sneaking them into places all over our country.
We should just send the planes and buses back to which ever country is theirs. Looking at the incident with the illegal Brazilians it only took a month to stop the flow.
It seems insane to let thousands more come in. WE DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY.

We are kicking our people who volunteered to defend our country as a way to save money
we are denying our veterans health care as many die

and yet we will allow known illegals to sneak in and then have to spend billions on them?
I'm pretty ignorant of the process but it seems like if you are advocating detaining them until their court hearing and deportation we would need a physical location to house them. It also seems like we would not release the children and would need a place to house them before their hearing, hence the locations in the article. I agree with sending them back, but there is a process that has to take place first and during that time they have to stay somewhere.

No flame needed. I agree on multiple points, especially #3 and #4 although I suspect you'd advocate for more $ devoted to #4 than I would and vice versa for #3.

#2 is simply a process expediency that needs to occur. We simply don't have enough judges to hear the claims. I suspect that 10% that returns for their hearings are the ones that actually have a valid asylum claim while the 90% that don't lean towards "want a better life" variety. Processing them within a week should be the goal.

What's missing is the hammering employers of illegal immigrants. We need to strengthen and enforce those laws. They need to be more than minor financial penalties but rather loss of government contracts, etc. Habitual offenders like home builders need to lose their licenses. Kill the demand for immigrant labor and the flow will slow down. Look no further than the recent US recession which saw more Mexicans leaving the US than coming in. If they have no jobs here than the incentive to stay is vastly diminished.
I think just about everybody is for hammering employers except the republican politicians that run this state. You aren't going to get these guys to write meaningful legislation that hammers their biggest donors. If anything gets passed it will have no teeth or plenty of loopholes.
There are reasonable voices on this issues (and I don't think Obama, Cruz or Perry among them). I wish it were as simple as turning the illegals back at the border.

What's not working is putting these kids with family and then expecting somebody to show up at the hearings (about one in 10 makes it in). 1,000 national guardsmen between Brownsville and El Paso is a fart in a whirlwind.

Detention, quick processing and repatriation should be the goals. But if a kid is being chased by death squads, then it's OK for them to stay in the US. We have to observe standards of humanity. We do have to investigate and hold hearings. We can't have the courts doing that move at a glacial pace, as courts naturally seem to do.
Here's another more neocon-ish idea.

Have an American Foreign Legion. We already have enlisted foreign nationals in our military. After a certain period of service they can become naturalized citizens. Why not commission a whole brigade of foreign nationals (maybe from a few select countries) and deploy it like an expeditionary unit like the French deploy their Foreign Legion. After a certain period of service they and their immediate family become citizens. One could argue that an American Foreign Corps would be the most "American" of military units.

The FFL is a little different though, because they join with a new identity and disavow any of their family and former life.

A brigade of 10k would create say 3k (maybe 5k if including spouses and children) naturalized citizens a year if you made a 3 year commitment which I think would be appropriate. There's nothing to say why we couldn't have 2 brigades.
I'm fully supportive of the military service path to citizenship in most forms. It is an incentive to staff a military far more valuable than the GI Bill I suspect.
As BO reduces our military to its lowest level in 60 years including riffing many worthy American citizens who among illegals do YOU think would serve us better than other legal citizens who volunteered in the past years?
6721, deploying a foreign legion doesn't have the same "political" constraints that come with regular troops or national guard. That unit would have shorter layovers between deployments and likely get all the crappy "low intensity conflict" assignments. Wouldn't it be nice to send a light infantry regiment into Africa for a year or indefinitely looking for Boko Haram? You'd never be able to send a MEU or the 82nd. But a bunch of foreign nationals? Sure.

They would give the army a valuable capability they don't have right now.
I wasn't aware that the US Military was actually laying off career soldiers. I'm aware of downsizing through natural attrition and offering incentives to retire early but I'm not sure why anyone would have issues with that. By the way, this downsizing of our military force was started long before a "D" entered the White House. In a world with limited resources, even the NeoCons recognized that investing in technology was a wiser investment than grunts.

I'm stunned that you'd have an issue with a path to earning citizenship, at potentially high risk to an immigrants life. To me, that's the ultimate sign of devotion to America, to fight for your country.

I agree with texex but I'm not sure I'd force these individuals into a single batallions (ala Foreign Legion). I think it would be better to mix them in with existing soldiers to better acculturate them.

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