Perry just called 2nd special session

At 22 weeks a fetus has less than a 10% chance of survival but at 24 weeks its up to 50%. I think the 20 week limit is fair in respect to the point of viability. However, abortion is something that gets much worse the longer you wait. If I were in charge of the world, I would make a 12 week limit. I recognize that there are people that believe in abortion and there are many circumstances where most of us agree than an abortion is an acceptable choice. Three months is plenty of time to get an abortion if you are so desperate to not have a baby. Obviously, there would be exemptions for life of the mother type concerns.

Edit: Just for the record, the 12 week limit is my cmpromise postion. In reality, I despise abortion and believe it has contributed to the fathers role of sperm donor in our society. I question what type of person that is smart enough to go to medical school would chose to this as a profession. I also find it laughable that the left tries to keep women as in the dark as possible about the development of their baby.

to answer your questions, yes I very much believe the Philadelphia situation to be bigger than just that one clinic, if it prevents just one instance then I am for it.

The number of ambulatory agencies far outweigh the number of Abortion clinics across the state, so I would say that someone has a more access to abortions.

Planned Parenthood revenues are 3%, what about the other abortion clinics that are more than non-profit organizations?

This bill in Texas is a reasonable and sound bill. To be against it is just foolish and shows how ignorant of the world a person can be. To even consider Abortion as a Choice is comical at best. It is atrocious and barbaric and anybody who thinks this infringes on their civil rights is so far whacked out of the normal world who cares what they think they are in a very small minority in this state. Even BI link to statistics that he thinks show that the State of Texas favors abortion actually when you dig deep into them shows that this state is almost 70-30 against abortion.
And this isnt about controlling women's bodies... its about protecting the life of the baby.

When you get pregnant, you have allowed yourself to become the keeper of a living, helpless being. To not take care of that baby is reckless and irresponsible.

Exceptions can be made, and should, but waiting 5 months is just as reckless.
Im still waiting too.... the state isnt injecting semen into hoardes of women and then holding a gun to their head forcing them to carry little Obamas and Bushes.

The vast majority of women get pregnant by their own volition.
I can pretty much agree with both the letter and the spirit of what 7_Iron said.
I do too, Hu. And I think 20 weeks gives a woman plenty of time to think about what she wants to do. There are months between the time you find out you are pregnant and 20 weeks. I do not understand the objection to this. I think you can have the tests run to determine if the child has serious birth defects at about 3 months. That still gives you two months to decide. Jeez.
Can anyone really object to banning abortions past 5 months with the exception of serious life threatening consequences to the life of the mother?

5 months? Can we just pass a bill that says you cant do it past that point?

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