I will tell you about one of the more interesting rounds of golf that I've ever played, and it involved Governor Perry. For one, I made the only hole-in-one of my life (so far) that day, a 3-iron from 193 into a slight wind.
The other thing that happened, just prior to the hole-in-one, was that one of my playing partners received a phone call from Governor Rick Perry. Now, I'm not going to name names, in order to protect the innocent, but my playing partner happened to be an 18 year old blue chip recruit who was still in high school at the time. I only heard one side of the conversation, but it wasn't too hard to figure out that Perry was recruiting for the aggies.
Anyway, I've always had the sense that Perry was more a creature of personal ambition than any sort of political idealist. In short, I don't believe him. The hair is a bit too perfect. The image a bit too polished. The reality underneath a bit too well concealed.