People who should be shot in the face...

Yesterday I found one. I don't know how many are familier with 51st, but at the intersection of Airport, on the west bound side there is 2 lanes. The left lane is a turn only lane so the right lane tends to get backed up. There is a cross street maybe 100ft from the intersection. It's clearly posted to not block the intersection. I am sitting there waiting patiently behind the intersection, not blocking it, and there is maybe 5 or 6 cars behind me. Then some guy comes up on the left and cuts in front of me in the space that I left in order to not block the intersection. He looked as though he had planned it too. This isn't the first time that's happened to me at that intersection. Last time it was a girl in giant sunglasses and a SUV.

Who ever does things like that deserve the facial lead.
The ******* who feels the need to stand about two nanometers behind me in any line thinking it will get him/her to the front quicker.

While the lead-to-the-face event is forthcoming to them, I do take the time to stretch my elbows and arms, kinda like I am fighting for a rebound down in the paint.
the ******* who wouldn't let me change lanes yesterday and proceeded to hold his hand down on the horn for a good 10 minutes when I finally did get to change lanes (two cars ahead of him). What a dick. I realize that it was inconvenient to the dude - I didn't realize I needed to change lanes and turn so fast. But really? That's your ******* response? Just because I wanted you to slow your ******* car down for literally 5 seconds? And all the cars in front of you were basically going 20 mph. I swear, if i had had a gun in my car, I would have shot it. It was my first true personal road rage experience.

Man, now i'm all worked up again.
the ******* ******** who use the exit only lane for enfield on northbound mopac as their way to get up to the front and cut in at the last minute onto mopac
The guy who brought his van to a complete stop in the middle of 75 in Plano during morning rush and waited until it was clear enough for him to move over two lanes and get into the HOV lane.
Little infuriates me more than when I'm going the speed limit down a multi-lane road and someone decides to pull out of a parking lot or something right in front of me - into MY lane - when nobody is in the other two lanes. I wonder what the ruling is on that if you slam into the back of them.
Or how about the idiots this evening playing Interstate grab-*** at 120mph. They almost killed 4 different families in the 10 seconds I saw them zig-zagging across Gulf Freeway. These people should be plucked from their vehicles and force-fed a moving fan clutch. I would love to go Little Enos Burdett and kick their *** just once.
All these stupid ************* who don't turn their lights on when it's foggy/overcast/misting/raining. Not only is it the law, but if you drive a white/tan/grey/silver/any other neutral colored vehicle chances are nobody can see you unless they're right next to you. So don't get mad when you get cutoff. Dickheads.
People who push the elevator button when it is already lit up because I already pushed it. I ******* hate that. I'll approach the elevator in the lobby of my building and push the button. It is clearly lit up. Then some douche will come up a few minutes later and push it again. I ALREADY PUSHED IT ************! ARE YOU AN IDIOT? DO YOU THINK I'M JUST STANDING HERE FOR NO ******* REASON?

And then there's the douche who pushes the elevator button really fast. Do they think they elevator will there any faster if they push the button a bunch? This ain't Track & Field douchebag.
The inventor of the traffic light who times the light in such a way that you will be at your light for at LEAST 2 cycles....

Unless of course you get in the right lane... Then you typically get through in one cycle... but if you don't make it through the light, you get the ire of tons of people behind you. Screw you, light designer... just let it go for 5 more seconds.
Whoever invented the 2/3 width toilet paper commonly found in public restrooms.
People who chew with their mouth open, especially gum smackers and bubble poppers. I will shoot you if you do it around me.

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