Penalty on "Horns down"

Whenever I see them throw the horns down I see a cry for help. Next time someone does it, consider this translation:

“Look at me. I live in Oklahoma and I have nothing to live for but this game. I hate the Longhorns more than I love my own people and if I’m being honest I am jealous of a state that shares its border with mine that has such a proud history and promising future while mine is a shame and an eternal punchline to a joke. If we lose this game I will beat a woman or torture an animal. Sadly, I am not educated or self-aware enough to know any of this so instead of killing myself, I will just throw the horns down. One day if I am lucky enough to have my NFL ticket punched maybe I will leave this state and learn some class but most likely I will stay put, marry my cousin, and continue doing the one thing that brings me any joy in my pathetic life. Hating Texas.”

Back to topic, if taunting is going to be a thing then this is it and it should be enforced.
However the punishment should be old school Ottoman Empire style and lop off their right hand. That way the dirty sooner has to suffer the shame of eating his food with his doodoo hand (because Oklahoma has not discovered toilet paper)
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It should be a penalty. I liken it to the same as the throat slit gesture and flipping the bird.
Side note - I take my ou sux fan inlaws to dinner this past weekend and my FIL wears his sooners sweatshirt (because thats what sooner fans do) - and some random okie at the restaurant sees his sweatshirt and -- -you guessed it -- gives him the double horns down. It would be pathetic if it didn't make me want to punch them both.
With all due respect to OU Bubba, I think it just shows that Texas is living in the heads of the Sooner Nation and that provokes the horns down sign. I say to the victor goes the spoils. If celebrating for the Sooners means horns down then let it happen. If our team and fans don’t like it, do your ultimate best on the field to limit those opportunities. BTW, I believe I saw an LSU player do the thumbs down sign after a play....
OU fans and other B 12 fans now do this when they are not even playing the Horns. They could be playing Russia and still they would still do it. Anything to show their penis envy for the University of Texas. Sad and pathetic people.

Let them hate. It simply shows their poor self image. I managed an operation in OK for a few years. They are mostly very good people, but some of them cannot overcome their jealousy of everything Texas, especially “The University”. And if they win that one game, they can say I am better than a Texan. Silly people. And for the Texans going to school there and doing the down horns, you should not drink the water.
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I agree with Zucker and Chinstrap. If its their pitiful way of celebrating, let them do it. Just shows their penis envy.
IMO where it becomes taunting is when its done AT an opposing player.
I believe that is a component of the taunting rule. Not sure I agree 100% with that rule either, but if its the rule, its the rule, and it should be equally enforced.
Bowlesby "The Horns down discussion has taken on a life of its own"

Because as usual, the Big 12 has no control over the own narrative or anything that happens to it. Listened to the interview and he clears up nothing. Sounds like its allowed as long as its done in a sportsmanlike manner. I am having a hard time imagining what that would look like.
As someone who has been run over by a bovine or 3, I've noticed that cattle typically lower their horns before they plant my *** like Texas did to OU in October.
I don't know what you guys are complaining about. It was pretty clear. He's not going to say that it's a penalty to throw the horns down because that's not a penalty in itself. It's about taunting. If the player taunts, it's a penalty. Taunting is a judgment call, and he's saying that if you throw the horns down as a taunt, you're going to get a flag.
Crockett makes a good point. We should start flashing Horns down on defense.
Make it OUR gesture.
If we don't it will never stop
I think it would be great to see 100k.throwing horns down when on D
They also stole their o-u chant from osu. It probably took them a while to figure out they had to remove the "S" in order to make it their own...
5 years ago I actually tried to get the people around me in DKR to do it. of course they didn't get it. But Crockett is right. When a Longhorn decides to charge he lowers his Horns.
IF it became OUR defense gesture other schools would look stupider than they already if they kept doing it.
I don't know what you guys are complaining about. It was pretty clear. He's not going to say that it's a penalty to throw the horns down because that's not a penalty in itself. It's about taunting. If the player taunts, it's a penalty. Taunting is a judgment call, and he's saying that if you throw the horns down as a taunt, you're going to get a flag.
PH laying down the common sense!