Good question, only answer I have is that the defense slowed bama down, flew to the ball, like they believed in the coaches philosophy for slowing bama, much like TCU defenses did and since PK has been here (I know it’s only been a year) I haven’t seen that yet until GP came in.
and i don’t see this as a negative at all, I expect PK and sark to be mature individuals and would welcome with open arms GP’s defensive game plan in such a game. Best way to learn from him is to let him loose and start asking detailed questions about the moves you think would be different from your own and seek to understand. I wish PK success and don’t blame last year on him although it’s a data point that should be included until it’s proven to be an outlier.
just my two cents of how I would handle it in their shoes. GP put out a wonderful tweet saying it’s “we not me” regarding the excellent play, essentially you need to thank the whole staff and I thought it was great that he did but not unexpected of someone that is now connected to this school. Class act.