Pastor Huckabee


500+ Posts
Amazing how little Christians use that organ that God gave them. If it quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, smells like a duck, it must be a duck right?

Ask yourself this question. If God calls a man to the ministry why isn't the ol Huckster still in the pulpit? Could it be the Huckster wasn't really called or perhaps he is doing his own Jonas thingy? For me anybody who uses Jesus to sell himself on why he should be Da Man to run the other sides territory ought to be looked at very carefully. I'll say it again, I don't care if someone is a jew, a heathen, a muslim, christian or a scientologist, if he is committed to the rule of law (constitution) it doesn't matter one iota.

Keep your theocracy whatever flavor it is, give me a republic or a monarchy as long as the King is the King of Kings.
Huckabee will not be President.

What do you think of Obama's calling and how he uses it in his candidacy?

Ignoring your absurd characterizations of Christians, what makes you think that somebody who is called by God to the pulpit could not subsequently be called to do something else with his life at a later date?

It is entirely presumptuous of you to assume that you have any idea what you are talking about. But it sure as heck is convenient for you in order to start yet another thread taking some shot at a Republican.
Assuming that a person has committed their life to serving God and God's people, why would God not want them to serve as many people as possible? God hardly wants us to serve only Christians. What would be the point?
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