Palin attacks continue


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Wow, you would think the Washington Post would be more concerned with sitting members of congress that are crooks and still in office, like Rangel, or you would think they would investigate the healthcare bill or anything of substance, perhaps actual presidential, they are looking for people to sift through 24,000 emails from palin while she was governor...keep watching american idol people.....
The Link
let me get this straight, neither Congress nor any media outlets take the time to read the Healthcare bill, but they're hiring 100+ to help sift through the former Governor of Alaska's emails to hopefully find some dirt to attack with?

I don't agree with some of the OP's comments on this board, but I'd have to say that he seems a bit less obsessed with Palin than the media does.

Maybe the Post could also hire 100+ helpers to sift through Eric Holder's emails to figure out how the US-Mexican "Fast and Furious" program turned out so wrong.
Maybe the Post could also hire 100+ helpers ....

Perhaps you could actually read the article and make your point without mistating the facts?

Thank you.
You must have been furious at all the time and money wasted on investigating Bill Clinton's sex life. Good for you and your consistency on this!
Hey, I gotta admit Sarah Palin is interesting. I like to follow stories that are easy to understand and every Sarah Palin story is. As far as the health care bill, I can read for 20 minutes and get bored as hell.
Perham, i did look at the article, and maybe I read it too quickly or not with enough attention, but I did see the words "We are limiting this to just 100 spots for people who will work", and assumed that the Post is taking applications for this task. I guess i assumed also that they would be paid for their time.

I was in high school when the Clinton-gate went down
, and I couldn't have cared less about politics and whom was spending time investigating whom or what back then. I don't really even get worked up about this type of thing, except that I think resources should be focused on stuff that really matters, not a former gov of alaska.

and yes, I think that the Post should be more concerned with the Mexican gun issue than Palin.
why are you so obsessed with sarah palin?

I'm not, i would never consider voting for her, i simply wished the press was this active in digging up dirt and corruption on things that matter....sitting members of congress and those in the executive branch, mexican drug war (another rancher was shot and killed yesterday), government waste, presidential candidates, we are on the verge of another financial crisis, we are in an education crisis, job crisis, 4 wars....nope, they are going to chase after someone that really isnt doing anything other than drive around the country in a bus...and this activity isnt to really cover her or discover something interesting but to destroy her....the NY times issued the same request to bring in coffee house feminisits to read emails....i'm just curious what the obsession is? if its the activities while she was governor, why don't they get this involved in other state their own....because you do not get much more corrupt than DC or NY.
i don't read the part about where Palin was being attacked

They are asking for help in reading e-mails. I fail to see the attack in that.
Right IRC. Hey, I've read outlines and summaries of the Health Care Bill and frankly think it was poorly drafted and not good legislation. But it's been around two years and I've moved onto other things.
Palin is less a political figure than a cultural figure, To the extent that she is a political figure, it is because her political utterings are accessible to rather unsophisticated types who have very strong opinions, without much reasoning and knowledge behind them. There, I said it. I am a snob. There are legions of intelligent, knowledgeable conservatives (some of whom can even spell "knowledgeable" without looking it up) much more worthy of attention than Palin, but she is cute, sassy and gosh darn it just so much fun. And she can throw zingers at Democrats too. She is to politics what Caylee Anthony, Britney Spears and Liz and Dick in their time is/was to news. The "obsession" is a People magazine type obsession, and the silly side of journalism.
it is because her political utterings are accessible to rather unsophisticated types who have very strong opinions, without much reasoning and knowledge behind them.

Nancy Pelosi?
They are asking for help in reading e-mails. I fail to see the attack in that.

She was cleared of any wrongdoing in alaska yet that isnt good enough for the press...they made a freedom of information act request for all documents while she was governor...which is fine, they are free to do it. however, did obama or any other democrat go through that kind of scrutiny. the press blew off all of obama's shady chicago dealings. palin isnt really a threat to anybody. she can't win an election. she actually seems like a nice person. they still want to uncover something to put her in jail. its strange behavior.
Clinton was chasing an intern around the Oval Office when he should have been saving us from binLaden? And you say I'm stretching?

If we should only be constantly doing important things, what the hell are you doing on Hornfans? Oh, that's right. You're saving the world from ebil libs who vilify and employ the mean politics of personal destruction. You're saving us from those who would distort and "stretch" things into some petty piece of partisan palaver.
If Clinton was any kind of man he would have offed himself in shame over the disgrace he brought on himself and family. But he is an Arkansas Billy Goat and just rammed ahead. Glad he is gone.

As for Palin, she is a monument to the total lack of seriousness of the American political class and was not cleared by the Alaska investigation.

And the WAPO is a cruddy organization and emblamatic of the degeneration of the American political system. Remember that its greatest hour was Watergate, which turned out to be a palace coup by the second in command of the FBI, who was disgruntled about the failure of Nixon to give him the top job and so helped the Post overthrow him by feeding them information the FBI had on the plot.

That is about as sordid as you can get and nobody has raised a howl about it once Mark Feldt came out as Deep Throat. The whole rotten bunch could sink into the Potomac and the rest of us would be better off.
She could have put her head down, joined a think tank and remained out of the spotlight for the last 2 years if she had wanted to. But she didn't want to do that.

you cant get much farther away than alaska but the press moved in next door to dig through her garbage. she tweeted a lot and the press decided it was newsworthy. she has a core group of followers. i dont see where she forced herself on the public. charlie rangel who is on the committee that rights the tax code, cheated on his taxes. why didnt the press order the viewing of all of his emails to try and uncover more dirt?
I don't really think Palin jolning a think tank is a realistic option. And I'm being charitable in that comment.

It would be a dumb move by her. Her strengths clearly do not lie in a "think tank" environment. That is not to say she is abjectly stupid, but she is not a precise, analytically driven woman. She is full of life, photogenic, has "people skills", etc.

Think tank? Um, no.

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