Pacman wants to play again...with Cowboys?

Remember when Tom Landry had all he could take of Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson, and his snorting cocaine from a nasal inhaler.

I realize that was a different time but I was proud of being a Cowboys fan. THEN!!

You youngsters may not remember but there was a time when the Cowboys were led by a man of integrity. And win or lose you respected them for being the class of the league.

Roger Staubach and Danny White showing their emotion and respect at the death of the man that WAS the Dallas Cowboys.

I'm getting old. Honor meant something then.
Honor? You mean like Tex Schramm telling Bob Lilly not to discuss his salary with other players at the Pro Bowl because Bob might embarass them? Then Bob going to Hawaii and finding out from other players that he was making about half what everyone else there was making? Spare us the platitudes, please.

Anyway, the other day on Dallas ESPN radio, the Michael Irvin Show without Irvin, they were taking calls about this. One guy brings an awesome one-liner, something like "No, they shouldn't sign him, I already worry enough for my safety when I go to strip clubs!" Somehow, the sidekick guy, instead of just reading the joke, gets side tracked with questions: "Really? You go to strip clubs? How often? Are you married?" And then, the dumbest question in the history of radio: "What is it about strip clubs that appeals to you?" Hint: the answer is not "cheap beer."
I'm not sure why so many of you are jumping on the Cowboys for this. You might save your criticism for an article where Dallas management actually expresses interest in the guy. Pacman said he wants to play for the Cowboys, and all of a sudden the Cowboys are the "new Raiders" and don't have any honor?

BTW, I'll be really disappointed in the NFL if they reinstate this guy, considering that all reports say he hasn't even made a token effort to abide by the conditions for reinstatement.
There is not a single NFL team without a "thug" problem.

The problem with the Cowboys was they were under a media microscope because they were winning super bowls and, well, they are the Dallas Cowboys. Not talking Seahawks, Bengals, Texans, etc.
Are there any links to the COWBOYS actually being interested in him? other teams? All i see is macman saying he would like to play for the cowboys. SO?
If the Cowboys can land him for a mid-rounder, void the rest of his contract, and then sign him to an incentive/conduct tied contract, I don't see what the problem is. Ray Lewis was up on murder charges, but he got a second chance and is one of the most lauded players in the NFL.
ngnichols - I think that is precisely what the Cowboys will do. I would expect a 3-4 round pick with a contract somewhere between the league minimum and what he would be due on his current contract - I believe it called for around $1.2 mil this year. That would fit very well under the Cowboy's cap.
I don't want the guy. He is a complete lowlife. I'd like to know what Calvin Hill has to say about him. If Hill doesn't think he's redeemable, don't touch him with a 12 foot stripper's pole.
What I find the most intriguing will be if he is allowed to play at all this year or not. His agent obviously wants the deal before the draft but he may not know if he can play till after that time. Would the deal hinge on whether or not he gets to play or maybe his contract would pay him nothing if he cannot play? Lots to be seen on this.
how anyone could support their team taking this guy is so far beyond me. "win at all costs" is disgusting whether it's sports, politics, business, etc.
some of you as fans of the cowboys, should hold them to a higher standard. at this point i wouldnt' be surprised to find a thread about the cowboys interviewng o.j. simpson for a front office position.