ou's Granger Gave....And Gets

As far as wishing any injury on a player, that's a little far. But if it happens to a guy who is known to take some cheap shots, I sure as hell am not going to feel for the guy. I'd say he deserves the injury, because ultimately he's gunning for someone else. Once you cross that line, you're a piece **** bottom line
Granger is an asshat. He delivered a blow when he knew the play was dead, and the price was 15 yds. I never played on a team coached by men who would tolerate getting an oposing player on the ground and cheap shotting him as an attempt at revenge for a cheap shot, and I had some pretty good coaches, at least one of whom is considered legendary in the Houston area. I don't think the Horns coaches would stand for this. It represents a complete failure to focus on the work at hand. I would not cheer if English lost a knee this October. I would probably agree that some karmic justice had been done. It would sicken me if a member of our football team caussed an injury on purpose. We are better than that. We should all probably take a step back and think about what we are saying. Would you encourage a jr. high player to bust someone off at he knee? What about a high school player?
All of this because a DL fired off the ball and hit a 300lb guard when the O-line jumped? Could it be considered cheap? Sure. Has it not been going on since football started? Yes.

Did anybody catch when Trent Cole did the same thing to Tony Curtis last night on MNF.

Jaws and Kornheiser disagreed about it. The ex-players point was that its football and thats what happens.

You didn't see Tony Curtis and the Cowboys all running around crying . Or the O-line plotting to triple team Trent Cole and sacrificing their own QB just so they could get some measure of revenge.

The way that guard flew back after being hit by Granger probably goes along way in explaining why UW sucks as much as they do.
The fact of the matter is that the injury was not a result of dirty play. Granger tried to fight off a triple team and got his foot caught in the turf. **** like that happens.

The pawing/punching that happened happens between D-Line and O-Line all day long. How do you stop a d-lineman from jumping to block a pass? Lineman better punch him in the gut. O-Line got you locked up? Kidney shot to get him off balance, shed the block, and proceed to make the tackle.

It was stupid to triple-team the guy, but it wasn't any dirtier than what happens when all good o and d linemen collide.
Yeah, it's next to the vulvula.


Regarding the Granger play, the OU posters that are trying to explain Granger's action as typical DL play on a false start are completely wrong. Typically a DL that is lined up over the offending OL will pop the guy that flinches and will start that action before the whistle blows. In this case the TE flinched and Granger didn't budge. Only when the whistle blew and the ball was snapped almost simultaneously did Granger begin to move and pop the RG, who was not the player that false started.

Granger's play was dirty and outside the typical false start action, and that's why he was flagged.
Thanks for providing the link to the video. Now after witnessing the two plays back-to-back, how can you not see that a cheap shot resulted into retaliation. That happens all the time. I'm not an advocate for players purposely hurting other players but MAN... you gotta admit (unless you're a mobilehoma homer) that Granger totally brought that triple-man hit on himself.

If he hadn't cheap shotted the O lineman, that next play would've never resulted in his being helped off the field.

Oh... and just for the record, its 4:55PM CDT &
The same thing happened in the Cowboys game against the Eagles on Monday. The Cowboys lineman was also flagged for a personal foul. Does he deserve a season ending injury too?