ou's Granger Gave....And Gets

In reply to:

how about ou reschedule usc NOW.... rather than in 20 years after the skullfucking you took in the orange bowl.

They just need to show up to an event in camo. That's all that is separating Stoops' OU teams from the Miami teams of the '80s.


Yeah, you guys should know all about the 'Canes and skullfucking!

I forget, when's Texas scheduled to play Miami again? You're well overdue to get a little payback for 46-3 and those 15 personal foul penalties that totaled more than Gardere & the 'Horns managed to gain in total offense.

I guess 17 years isn't long enough for DeLoss.

Wonder if Randall Hill is still dancin' in the tunnel?

You are responding to a post that was responding to a post just like yours stupid sooner.
At least you got UT in front of sooner in your name.
Did one thing right.
moondog_LFZ, you might want to understand the facts of a situation before spouting useless smack talk.

UW stadium personnel held our team from taking the field. Both the home team and the visiting team enter/exit from the same tunnel. It's not like OU sat there for 10 mins waiting for UW to make their way out. Maybe the UW staff should get their **** straight to mitigate such potential volatile situations.

Tex-Pete, I've come to recognize you as the classiest poster in all of Hornfandom, but you're in fine form today. First, you wish death upon opposing players for their actions on a FOOTBALL FIELD. Next, you proceed to use the always reliable, "He started it." defense to justify a verbal altercation w/ Larry Birdine.

I salute you, fine sir.
"I hope he never plays again.

I hope Auston English blows out both knees in practice for that matter. Screw those cheapshot artists. "

He's right, he didn't wish death. This statement is much much better. Wishing injury on 18-20 year old student athletes. You're all class baby.
In Tex Pete defense he didn't wish death upon anybody, just serious injury.

But apparently he does defend women with his quick wit. So there is that.
It is just comical because you are probably the exact fan that you claim sooners are. Only the losers with no life are the ones who would do anything for a COLLEGE FOOTBALL victory so that their pathetic little lives can have a sense of meaning for one week. They are the ones that would actually hope someone gets hurt because they are a rival and since they are a rival they don't deserve to live.
Did I say you said that? I was making an example of what loser fans, who put everything into college football, say. What does it matter if I went there or not. I have two degrees from a college other than OU. Does that mean I'm not allowed to be a fan? That is idiotic. I am done on this thread after this post. You are obviously one of those people that think the are always right and can only throw insults around because they cannot have an intelligent argument. And as far as the cheap shot thing, remember 2 wrongs don't make a right.
Ok, I had to post one more time, because apparently your stupidity knows no bounderies. Tell me one time when I said that the Washington players should not have done that. I was against your comment on wishing injury to college kids.
I have a huge interest in OU. I grew up in Norman and I chose to go to a Division II school so I could play a sport. It was a hard decision. I do have an interest in OU other than athletics.

As far as your typical sooner argument:
I believe it was you that said Maybe they shoud teach remedial reading at UT. My argument is against doing something wrong. The typical sooner argument is Everyone else is doing, so we can to.
Celebrating an injury is something the players would never do.

It shows just how bat **** stupid some of you are.

Seriously, you are cheering this?

Also, figured this thread would have multiple pages.

Some people love the tabloid aspect of the game more than the game itself.

Sad, funny, but true.
Tex-Pete, admitting you are a proud graduate of the prestigous Harvard of the South makes your participation on this thread all the more pathetic.

Shouldn't top-notch scholars such as yourself be above the juvenile fray? I may only be a dumb OU graduate in your eyes, but if being a UT graduate meant acting like a 17-yr-old *******, as you most assuredly portray yourself, I'd likely hurl my wheelchair down a flight of stairs.

I'm guessing Ike soaked the woodwork or something because there are tons of you coming out of it.

I am continuing the banter in hopes of sickening all of you Sooners to the point that you will take a hike.
Lets see here,

Leave Texas for Oklahoma,
get caught stealing a coat,
***** slap and knock down a lineman during an motion call:

Get punched in the nuts with several cleat marks on the ankle during the next play.

Karma can be a real ***** here sorry guys but it looks like granger got more coming to him.
[quiote]"I hope he never plays again.

I hope Auston English blows out both knees in practice for that matter. Screw those cheapshot artists. "

He's right, he didn't wish death. This statement is much much better.

How in the "wide, wide, world of sports" did both teams end up in the tunnel at the same time? Can you imagine that being UT/OU, UT/aTm, or OU/OSU?

1.) I assume the whistle had blown when Granger finished the play and pushed the O-lineman. If yes, was the actions of the 3 O-linemen justified?
2.) By doing their "boys in the hood" number (instead of blocking) those kids left the QB wide open to disaster. UW was lucky the QB did not receive a season ending injury on that play. (he was knocked out of the game)
3.) What would Mack or Stoops either have done if 3 O-linemen had left Bradford, Colt, or Vince totally unprotected and injured because of undisciplined desire for "payback?"
4.) Can you imagine that happening in the UT/USC MNC game and Vince being knocked out of the game? I cannot because the Texas players are too disciplined to put emotion over the health of Vince Young. (or any player)
5.) If you were the UW coach, what would you do to the O-linemen? (if anything)
6.) I have NEVER wished a teenage college athlete would receive an injury no matter how bad I disliked the program or the athlete. Adults recognize we're watching kids play a game. A "game," not a life and death infantry Iraqi firefight.

Finally, I'll say I believe all non-Pac-10 schools should do as Notre Dame does and demand refs outside of that conference before playing any P-10 school. I won't say they were trying to change the outcome, rather they were beyond incompetent. Most of the Pac-10 schools are complaining about the refs, and after watching them at Oregon and Washington I have to agree. Terrible. MM