Our American Pravda

I assumed that this was about MSNBC.

That article lost me at "selling nuclear devices to terrorist organizations". Those theories sound like the one about "BO being born in Kenya" or any popular conspiracy theory.
I agree it's hard to swallow the whole article but it make some salient points about media and how the typical American gets their information and how easy it is to manipulate that information blatantly and without accountability. I wonder if Dan Rather would have even been fired today for a similar previous fiasco.
When you remember all the posts on OneWorld order that the media wouldn't cover that sprang up during Bush
and you see what is going on today
then read this article
there are questions I wish there were a credible place to get answers.

Very Thought provoking article no matter the ultimate conclusions we each reach
thanks for posting
Forty five years ago when I was an aspiring journalist, I recall a conversation with some of the old bulls in which they lamented the readily observable fact that the press had a serious problem with herd instincts----one guy makes a viable argument and everybody else joins in, or they all get briefed by someone who might be in the know and the whole herd goes to the typewriter to give their version. Then the whole herd of us went to a bar where there were some journalists from the competing paper and I watched in amazement as they all drank prodigious sums of alchol. Or what passed for prodigious in my nineteen year old eyes.

The herd press is always with us.

It follows the whims of its illiterate, tasteless public.
Meet the Chechens

If you've followed this thread, you may want to read the story linked above. It doesn't deal with the US press, but in light of the Boston Marathon bombing, the article gives a background from the Russian perspective of Chechens. After reading the article, you really might wonder just what goals the CIA is pursuing and how will that impact America down the road.
It does seem rather odd/convenient that no matter the debates, not matter the decade, we always seem to come down in a roughly 50/50 split. And the fact that despite numerous wealthy benefactors a 3rd party seems to never be able to get going.

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