OT Old-time restaurant in Austin


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We might be coming back to Austin for a visit this year and wonder if there is a Holiday House still left in Austin? I suspect they are all gone, which would be a big disappointment. Thanks.

Gail in WA
UT '73
There used to be one in Tarrytown shopping center but the chick who owns it is the biggest "insert any bad name" in the world and won't let any store sell products that have to do with killing animals. Essentiially she inherited the property and is using it to make a social statement because she has nothing better to do with her life. I'd like smear my own **** on her front door after I set it on fire.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not bitter about it.
Thanks - doggonit! It's still Texas, isn't it? Beef is still king (except for, apparently, those few crazies that seek to impose their will on the public).

Oh well, there's still Threadgill's for Chicken Fried Steak and down home cookin' and Matt's for Tex-Mex.


Gail in WA
UT '73
I remember eating at the Holiday House on Airport. Think it burned down. They had good burgers....Dirty Martin's is still here or Dan's/Fran's. No more Mad Dog & Beans I'm afraid....still the best chilicheeseburger I've ever had.....well, next to Tommy's in L.A. If you're '73, you must remember the Nothing Strikes Back Ice Cream Parlour on the Drag.
dirty's isn't half the place it used to be before they rennovated and replaced all theri grease traps.

i still love dan's next to mcallum on lamar.

Sigh ... Nothing Strikes Back. It closed around the end of my freshman year. I loved that place.

The Stallion, too.

And I, also, lament the loss of Holiday House.

Oh, well, nothing gold can stay ............
The Holiday House on Airport sold their building to Chevron, so the old A frame is still there. Holiday House opened down the street, but has since closed.

I work on Bee Caves and was so pleased to see the Holiday House sign on the side of a strip mall at Walsh Tarleton and 2244, but the sign was just a remnant that has since been taken down.

Holiday House is defunct, I will never have a double meat Bonanza combination again. I must have eaten twenty to twenty-five head of cattle in Bonanza burgers. There was one on the Drag by Dobie that closed in the 70s and forced me down to the one under the big Lone Star sign where Kerbey Lane is now. The Lone Star sign is gone, too. So is the big barn you used to see across the street (it's at the wildflower center).

Holiday House, Les Amis, Nothing Strikes Back, Mad Dog & Beans and Mama's Pizza RIP.
Only Night Hawk is the Frisco shop

I agree that the burgers at Dans/Frans, Dirtys and would also submit Mikes Pub as the old time classics still there

You go to Mikes you see Earl Campbell's College Football Hall of Fame plaque hanging on the wall
The Frisco place on Burnet Road is all that's left of the Night Hawk legacy. I still miss the original place on South Congress. Why they had to go screw up a perfectly good smaller operation, a landmark in Austin for all those years, with that huge remodeling add-on, boom time or no boom time, is just sad.
I worked at the HH under the Lone Star sign for two years, then switched to The Tower (next to Posse East).

At that time, Ralph Moreland had an empire: 2 2j's, 6 Holiday Houses, The Tower, Sandy's (across from Palmer Auditorium), and, I think KFC.

He provided working students $200 per semester in "scholarships" which was 80% of the scholarship I was getting from school, and together they paid tuition and fees. Amazing.
Frisco's a good idea. Also, not as old, but the Omelettry (since '78) has a very old Austin feel about it. Same with the Kerby Lane Cafe. Maybe the Salt Lick. Cisco's is really old, on the East side. Hey, having a burger at Zilker Park is worth doing.
My first job was at the 2-J's on North Lamar across from where Central Market is now. I remember getting the Manske rolls at the 2-J's on the Drag. Many years later there was a Moreland's restaurant on Parmer that had a pretty good burger.

Grew up in West Austin and spent a ton of time at the HH (as did everyone else). The one on Barton Springs had the alligator and the one on Airport had the aquariums. The Exposition location was across from the library so was a great place to hang out (instead of studying).