First game today, Horns lead nearly the whole game 1-0, before giving up 3 in the 8th and losing. Tonight, they go up 4-3, then give up 3 again in the 8th, to trail going into the 9th. Need a small miracle to pull this out. We can't put teams away with a super closer, and OSU does what good teams do. Find a way to score late to win. Come on Horns.
Robinette stays on for the ninth as the closer stays in the pen.
Barrera leads off for the Horns batting righty.
A ground ball toward the hole and the diving attempt by the third baseman goes off his glove for a lead single.
Hall runs for Barrera at first.
Carter bats as the tying run with no outs.
I bet the closer is up now for OSU.
No, it's a lefty up in the pen.
A fly ball goes to left and the centerfielder drops it and then Hall goes for third and is thrown out for one away.
Hall held up and then went for third in a crazy play all around.
So Carter is at first with one out instead of the tying runs on with no outs.
Texas keeps shooting itself in the foot.
So Hinojosa up with one down and one on and he drops a single in right to put the tying runs on.
If Texas loses now they will remember that play and all the men left on base.
Shaw bats with one down and two on.
A ground ball to second is two down and the tying run is in scoring position now.
A new centerfielder comes into the game for OSU.
So it's up to Clemens with two down.
A ground ball goes to second to end the game.
OSU wins 6-4 and give me a few minutes to reflect and sum up this mess.
Well that was ugly wasn't it, as a late lead is blown again to lose both games today.
Runners left on base everywhere as Texas had ten walks in the game. Payton kept Texas in the game.
Then for some reason the coaching staff leaves in a spent French to blow the lead and add one.
Finally Texas has a chance to at least tie the game on a big error by the OSU centerfielder, but a baserunning mistake by a pinch runner no less snuffs that out.
I'm sorry, but I don't see Texas hosting a Regional and as I said earlier, going to Rice as a #2 seed wouldn't be a bad thing for this team.
Texas now has a 3-9 record against the top three teams in the conference and though they come close many times, they just never seem to get over the hump in must games.
We all just have to wait for tomorrow and Monday to see where and who Texas will play in a Regional now.
Thanks for the updates. Flashbacks to the national championship series in 2004 when Texas carried leads into the seventh of both game 1 and 2 against Fullerton and fell apart both games in the seventh inning to lose the NC. Traveling somewhere this week as a 2 seed.