The eighth starts with French still on the hill.
He faces Saxton at the top of the order batting lefty.
He walks on four pitches and the tying run is aboard.
Cornell bats and does he bunt?
Skip comes out to give Culbreth some time to warm up in the bullpen.
Cornell back in and he does square and fouls it off.
He squares and is hit by the pitch.
That puts two on.
Walton up with two on and no outs and he will bunt no doubt.
French may be running out of gas.
He gets the bunt down and the runners move to second and third.
Green bats with one away and two on.
He will be put on to load the bases and set up the double play.
Krietemeier bats lefty now as a switch hitter and the bases loaded and one down.
A ground ball up the middle gets by Marlow and two runs score to give OSU the lead.
French is out of gas, although it looked like Marlow had a chance at that ball.
OSU leads now 5-4 and I don't know why they are leaving French in.
Arakawa bats with one down still two on.
The count runs full and a walk loads the bases.
What are we doing? French is spent.
Costello bats with the bases loaded and one down.
A fly ball goes to Payton in medium center and here comes the runner and the throw is off line and another run scores on the SF.
OSU leads 6-4 and by all means leave French out there to die.
Two down for McConaughy with two still on.
They are getting some good hacks on French's flat pitches.
A ground ball to third is taken to the bag by Gurwitz to finally retire the side.
That was not good coaching there as French was toast and just was left out there.
As a result OSU takes a 6-4 lead to the bottom of the eighth.