OSU vs. Texas Division Big 12 Title Game


Pimp Daddy
Morgan Cooper gets the start for the Horns in this very big game with a lot on the line.

Saxton in center is still the lead off hitter.
Saxton bats lefty and grounds out to short to start the game.

One away and sorry I didn't see who batted second for OSU, but he flied out to Payton for two away. It was Aaron Cornell who made this out.

Walton, shortstop bats with two down.
He flies out to left to retire the side in order.

Texas comes to bat looking for an early lead.
Try Cobb gets his first start of the year for OSU as pitching is spent for them mostly.

The right hander shows he is reliever by pitching constantly out of the stretch.

He faces Marlow leading off and he drives one to the wall in right center for a lead off triple.

Johnson bats righty with a chance to stake Texas to the early lead.

The live stats hasn't reset and that makes it more different with all the stuff going on and typing.

Johnson walks to put runners on the corners and great speed on the basepaths.

The pitching coach is out and now returns.

Payton can extend his on base streak and put the Horns to the lead.
He walks to load the bases and Texas need to put up a crooked number here and now.

Johnson bats with the bases loaded and no outs.
He sends a combacker to Cobb and a 1-2-3 double play is now two away.

Runners on second and third and two outs for Carter
A grounder toward the hole is reached by Arakawa, the second baseman and the throw is in time to retire the side.

Wow, you hope that isn't a backbreaker there after having the bases loaded and no outs.

Texas doesn't score and after one it's still 0-0.
Go Horns
Cooper starts his second inning against Green, the very versatile OSU player.

In this game he plays left field and bats lefty against the right handed Cooper.
He grounds to Marlow who makes a sliding stop and completes the 4-3 first out.

Krietemeier bats lefty with one down.
He grounds to first and the 3U out is two away.

Arakawa bats lefty and lays down a perfect bunt down the third base line for a hit.

One on and two down for Costello in right field in this contest.
He bats from the right side and the count runs full before
He sends a high fly ball to deep left that with the wind is well out of the ballpark for a homer.

OSU leads 2-0 and you think back with pain to the last inning failure to score by Texas.

McConaughy bats right handed and plays third with two away and now the bases empty.
A fly ball to left retires the side.

The big two out homer gives OSU the 2-0 lead to the bottom of two.
Cobb back for the second and you hope that he didn't gain confidence after escaping unscathed last inning.

This could be a big inning for Texas as they need to get after this guy on the mound and not left him settle in.

Hinojosa pokes a soft liner to right for a lead single and a good start.

Shaw up with one on and no outs.
He bunts him over with one down.

Clemens up with one on and one down.
He takes strike three on the inside corner for a K and two down.

Gurwitz up and he needs a clutch job to score the first Texas run.
A pick off throw on Hinojosa goes into center and he moves to third.

Gurwitz back in and the count goes full.
He chops a high ball to third and the third baseman charges and drops it and the run scores. It's called a hit, but sure looked like and error to me.

Anyway it's 2-1 now.

Marlow up again at the top of the order with one on and two down.
It was big for the Horns to answer here and keep the OSU pitcher struggling and throw more pitches.
Another full count and Gurwitz is off and a walk puts two on.

Johnson up again has two on and two down.
He takes a called third strike on the outside corner to retire the side.

Texas gets one back and cuts the lead in half as OSU leads 2-1 after two played.
Cooper comes out for the third and faces Bryan Case the OSU catcher.

He bats right handed leading off and another deep drive to left exits the park for another dinger

OSU leads 3-1.

Saxton brings back the top,of the order.
He sends a roller to short for a 6-3 out one.

Cornell bats with one down.
A foul pop is caght by Clemens for two away.

Walton bats with two down and nobody one.
He flairs a dinker to right that falls for a single.

This bring out Skip to the mound and now he returns.

Green bats with two down and one on.
A balk is called to move the runner to second.
A fly ball out to center retires the side.

Another homer and another OSU run means they lead 3-1 as we go to the bottom the third.
The Freshman Cobb returns and Texas has to score on this second line of OSU pitching to have a chance in this game.

Payton leads off and he has already extended his now record on base streak to 95 games with a walk in his first at bat.

The count goes 3-0 and the pitching coach comes out for what is said to be a medical visit and he is not deemed fit to continue and a change is made.
Left hander, Tyler Nurdin is the new OSU pitcher and gets all the warm up pitches he wants due to the injury.

Finally he says that he is good and Payton step back in from the left side.
He still has a 3-0 count and he walks again for a lead runner.

Barrera bats as rain is coming toward the OKC area sometime in the near future it seems on the radar.
He grounds sharply to third for an easy around the horn 5-4-3 double play.

Two down for Carter with now the bases clear.
He sends a drive to left center and it evades a sliding attempt by the left fielder for a two out double.

Hinojosa tries for the clutch rbi and it's sorely needed as you have to score against OSU's second line pitching to stay in this game and have any chance to win it.
He walks to put the tying runs on base.

Shaw bats and the wind gales out and something up in the air could give you the lead before the rain hits.
He does send a fly ball to center, but with no pop on it.
It retires the side.

Three innings played and rain coming and OSU leads 3-1.
Cooper starts the fourth and faces Krietemeier.

He stands in lefty and grounds a sqibber to Cooper down the first base line and he fields and applies the tag for one away.

Arakawa bats with one down.
He flies to center for two away.

Here comes the rain and out comes the tarp.

Rain delay in OKC now in the fourth and OSU leading 3-1.

Post or entertain yourselves as you see fit till the game resumes.
This looks like a very lengthy delay and I am sure the Big 12 is willing to wait a long time to get this game in tonight with a national tv audience on Fox 1 tomorrow.

They could try to resume the game at like noon if necessary, but that would really hurt the winner of this game.

TCU must be loving this.
Travis Duke, the lefty is the new Longhorn pitcher as we restart. Yet another pitcher burned and if there is another game for Texas it's all hands on deck tomorrow.

There are two outs in the top of the fourth and nobody on base.

Costell steps in right handed with two outs against Duke.
A pop to short retires the side in order much later than when the inning started.

Bottom of the fourth and OSU leads 3-1.
Garrett Williams, a left hander is the new OSU pitcher in the Texas fourth.

He faces Clemens leading off batting lefty.
He grounds to first and the 3U out is one away.

Gurwitz bats with one down.
He walks for a baserunner.

Marlow is the top of the order with one on and one down.
The first pitch is lined to right for a single and with the wet ball Gurwitz never hesitates and goes around to third.

Runners on the corners with one away for Johnson.
He throws his bat into the crowd on a swing and someone in the stands took it in the head, but appears ok.

Johnson back in and you just have to score here at least one run anyway.
A full count is reached and he walks to load the bases.

Payton bats with one down and the bases loaded and a chance to tie or take the lead.
He lines a single to left center that scores two and ties the game. Mark gonna Mark.

Barrera bats with runners still at second and first and one away.
Another full count and will the runners be on the move?
They hold and a close pitch is called ball four to load the bases again.

Here come the pitching coach and leaves him and he may not have much choice at this point.

Carter bats with the bases loaded and one down.
Need some contact here to take the lead.
He K's swinging and that is what you just can't have in that situation.

Two down now for Hinojosa and you need a clutch here in the worst way.
He also K's swinging to retire the side, again the multiple runners are stranded.

At least Payton's single ties it at 3-3 after four inning.
Duke returns for the fifth with the game now tied.
He faces McConaughy leading off for OSU.

He steps in right handed and he grounds to Gurwitz for one down.

Case bats with one away.
He lines a single to right for a one out runner.

That brings the top of the order in Saxton, who is playing because Zach Fish, the Big 12 player of the year is still out of the line-up after inuring his ankle against OU.

At least it gives the announcers a chance to talk about the "stache."
A fly ball to right sends him and his stache back to the dugout and there are two away.

Cornell bats with two down and one on.
Case attempts to steal and he is nailed on a good throw by Barrera to retire the side.

Halfway through this battle for the division crown and it's tied 3-3.
Williams back out for the Texas half of the frame.

He faces Shaw leading off and batting lefty.
He swings through a fast ball for the third straight K for Williams and one away.

Clemens bats with one down.
A comebacker ends the K string, but is out two.

Gurwitz up and some Horns are wearing different numbers now as he sports #49 instead of #50, his usual one.
A ground ball is cued to first and the side goes down in order.

Five inning gone and tied at 3-3.
Duke returns for the sixth against the Pokes.

He faces Cornell who was left standing in the box on the failed steal.
He steps in right handed after a 2-0 count out comes Skip for a conference.
He leaves and a ground ball to short is one away.

Walton bats with one down and Parker French is up in the pen. He has thrown 10 scoreless innings against OSU this season.

A ground ball goes up the middle and HInnosa knocks it down, but there is no play and it's an infield hit for Walton.

Green bats with one down and one on.
A fly ball saves a steal as the runner had a big jump and would have stolen second with ease.

Instead it's two down and a runner at first for Krietemeier.
He stands in righty as a switch hitter against the lefty.
The count runs full and gets the OSU runner on the move.
A grounder by Gurwitz goes down the line and hits the cut out in left to save a run as if it had gone down the line the run would have score.

Arakawa up with two on and two outs.
He grounds to second to end the threat and the inning.

Bottom of the sixtha and tied at 3-3.
Williams still works for OSU as the Texas sixth begins.

He faces Marlow at the top of the order.
Williams goes back to his wild ways and issues a walk to lead things off.

Johnson up to bunt no doubt and he does so and Marlow stands at second with two down.

Payton up and with the open base do they pitch around him.
It sure looks that way as the count goes 3-0, but then two strikes make the count full.
He should have as Payton lines another single this time to right to drive in his third run and give Texas the lead.

Texas leads 4-3.

Barrera bats with one down and Payton at first.
He flies out to center for two down.

Carter bats with two down and now Payton could be off.
A full count means Payton is off on the pitch and a fly ball to center retires the side.

Not before Payton with another key hit gives Texas a 4-3 lead after six.
The new Texas pitcher is indeed right hander Parker French looking to extend his scoreless string against OSU.

He faces Costello leading off batting righty.
A hard slider is swung through for a K for one away.

McConaughy bats with one down.
A big chop goes to Gurwitz at third and the 5-3 play is two away.

Case bats at the bottom of the order and two down.
A grounder up the middle is gobbled up by Hinojosa and that retires the side in order.

Stretch time at OKC and French looks sharp again and Texas leads 4-3.
Mark Robinette, a right hander is the latest OSU pitcher in the Texas seventh.

His first batter is Hinojosa batting right handed.
A foul pop just by the first base bag is one away.

Shaw bats with one down.
He takes a fast ball on the inside corner for a K and two down.

Clemens bats with two away.
A sky high foul pop this tiime on the third base side is caught by the third basemand to retire the side in order.

Seven in the books and Texas holds on 4-3.
You want to expand on that for those of us that cannot get the radio call? Is the 8th in the second game as bad as the first?
Thanks in advance for the clarification.
The eighth starts with French still on the hill.

He faces Saxton at the top of the order batting lefty.
He walks on four pitches and the tying run is aboard.

Cornell bats and does he bunt?
Skip comes out to give Culbreth some time to warm up in the bullpen.

Cornell back in and he does square and fouls it off.
He squares and is hit by the pitch.
That puts two on.

Walton up with two on and no outs and he will bunt no doubt.
French may be running out of gas.
He gets the bunt down and the runners move to second and third.

Green bats with one away and two on.
He will be put on to load the bases and set up the double play.

Krietemeier bats lefty now as a switch hitter and the bases loaded and one down.
A ground ball up the middle gets by Marlow and two runs score to give OSU the lead.

French is out of gas, although it looked like Marlow had a chance at that ball.

OSU leads now 5-4 and I don't know why they are leaving French in.

Arakawa bats with one down still two on.
The count runs full and a walk loads the bases.

What are we doing? French is spent.

Costello bats with the bases loaded and one down.
A fly ball goes to Payton in medium center and here comes the runner and the throw is off line and another run scores on the SF.

OSU leads 6-4 and by all means leave French out there to die.

Two down for McConaughy with two still on.
They are getting some good hacks on French's flat pitches.
A ground ball to third is taken to the bag by Gurwitz to finally retire the side.

That was not good coaching there as French was toast and just was left out there.

As a result OSU takes a 6-4 lead to the bottom of the eighth.

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