Ordering your pastrami with cheese in Arizona


Weren't you the one on Horn Network whining about some imagined conspiracy with a client or consulting firm? Something about not getting a permanent gig with better benefits you thought you were entitled too because you were there a few months longer than the other guy? Whining and point fingers indeed.

Karma will find a way to screw you over one day. Maybe you'll be placed on a consulting contract for the NRA in the future.
Joining a union can put you on welfare.

Roger, I'm not sure if you've figured this out yet...but all the Social Security I've been paying for the last 20 years and will be paying. I'm not going to get it back. If you're anywhere near my age, you won't either.

Well again Roger
, this was a fun thread derailment.
I'd love to read the actual bill and see if it is as vague as news reports says it is.

either way, if it was vague, it could be more specific to provide actual protections and capability to refuse specific services on grounds of religious beliefs
This story reminds me of a situation several years ago up here in New Jersey, where a family named their child Adolf Hitler. The bakery refused to make a birthday cake for the little rascal, which led to all kinds of brouhaha.

I didn't locate an article talking about the cake incident itself, but it is mentioned in this article about the later custody battle. Hitler Cake link

The compromise position of requiring a bakery to sell a cake off the rack to anyone, but declining customization, is appealing to me. There would be some line-drawing complications, but I'm sure it could be worked out.
I was in the shirt printing and embroidery business once. One of my potential customers was a gay group that selected us because we had done work for other gay organizations. This guy wanted shirts for a parade that said on front "Lions vs. Christians", then on back "Go Lions". I politely refused the work and he was royally pissed.

Now, did my refusal constitute gay discrimination or was I within my rights because I did not agree with the message?

My reasoning to him was that I would print messages promoting groups but not negatively targeting other groups. He couldn't see that logic. Just saw it as me being anti-gay.
They should be able to get their hot pastrami or sausage on a stick or anything else. The wedding cake issue is altogether different.

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