Open Carry at the GOP convention

Will the Secret Service actually be " policing the event"? Or will they be there to protect the candidates when the candidates are there?
Anywhere there will be people with Secret Service protection will have them there way before and sometimes after the event. They are part of every aspect from catering, setting up of electrical to decorations. They check sight lines of visual obstacles, ability to move quickly and a host of other things that don't come to mind right away. They will be there hours and hours before the event checking what/who comes in, etc.

Of the times I had to work with them (military) they were omnipresent and we were all White House Security cleared individuals. They were still all up in it. I have to admit that they have their **** together.
the gun aficianados push through legislation allowing people to carry guns openly most places in our state and the rest of us get to enjoy the enhanced sense of security. Right.

So why not have open carry at the GOP convention? They are the ones who genuflect to the NRA every time a loud noise issues. So why not have their work product on full display at their convention?

And this bs about the Secret Service is just nonsense. The SS can protect the candidates just fine with enhanced security precautions. NObody on the floor of the convention is going to get off a shot at a candidate if there are a few thousand other Second Amendment enthusiasts packing firearms. I personally would love to see a bunch of Republicans openly carrying their semis around while discussing a suitable replacement for Justice Scalia and how to prosecute doctors who perform abortions and other such matters of import.

And if something goes a little wrong and their are a few hundred conventioneers collaterally damaged, well, I say that is a small price to pay for us rugged descendants of the heroes of Concord and Lexington and Gonzales. Let 'er rip.

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