One night trip to Austin


100+ Posts
I'm visiting Austin for a regulatory hearing next Tuesday (August 19) and will have time for several lunches, one dinner and one night out on 6th St. The only other time I visited Austin was on the coldest nights of the year around January 3, 2002. I'm staying at the Radisson on Cesar Chavez and know there are several restaurants just northwest of there with good food. What I'm wondering about is a good bar to take in the local talent and to listen to some good music. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I think that is a bar I drove by the last time I was in Austin. Isn't it a bit dingy on the outside? It almost looked like a biker bar, but I never really checked it out.
I know alot of these knuckleheads will recommend Flemings, Ruth's Chris, etc. for a good steak. But, Rainbow Cattle Company trumps them all. Get the Ribeye medium rare. Not as pricey as those places and it comes with a sald and baked potato with all the fixins.
Flemings sounds good. I've done the Ruth's Chris thing in San Francisco and New Orleans when I lived there. I also remember a Mexican food restaurant south of the river I'm goign to try. I can't remember the name, but I know where it is.
sooner, I guarantee that Rainbow Cattle Company will blow Fleming's out of the water. They have a special way of marinating meat. Kind of spicy. They'll probably have drink specials and the staff, and strangely enough, the customers are friendly.

It's in the warehouse district. It'll be an interesting experience. Afterwards, you can walk to several clubs.
Heh, I just realized I put the wrong restaurant down. Rainbow Cattle Company it is. I'm also going to make a quick trip up into the Hill Country just to enjoy the view.
Yeah, not sure you'll have to make reservations, depending on what night you go. Parking could be a mess. Are you driving down? If not, just cab it over there.
I'm flying Southwest (around a 2 hr flight) from OKC. I'll have a rental car, but since I intend on drinking a bit, I'm sure I'll take a cab. The bad part is that I have to be at the Texas Railroad Commission at 9 am the next morning.
C'mon, chance, I wholeheartedly recommend screwing with Sooners, but he did ask an honest question, and I haven't noticed Sky being a pain on the other boards. Cut him a break

sky, it was all in good fun. You would have walked in and said "what the....." but then, you would notice that two blocks down there is a Mezzaluna and Sullivan's.
I know it was. I was laughing about it when I figured it out. I did think there was something strange about the name "Rainbow", but I didn't give it any real thought yesterday because work was kicking my *** (one of those days when I'm on the phone all day). I actually know where those other two are. They are only about 3 blocks from my hotel. I ended up eating in the warehouse district the last time I was in town but didn't know the name of the restaurant.
Nobody tell him that the Chain Drive is a gay biker bar.


Seriously, if you are on foot, there are nice dining options in the convention center area (Flemings, Roys, for example). Also, the Warehouse Dist has nice options. For bars, I prefer beer joints and dives, so don't drink downtown much. I like drinks on the balcony of the Steven F. Austin Hotel -- nice view, and laid back, but the attendance by hot slutty young ladies is lacking.
My office is directly across the street from the Radisson. If you don't like to drive, you can probably walk to El Sol y La Luna. It is a few blocks south on Congress across the bridge. One of my favorite Mex restaurants in town. Ironworks is also down the street if you like barbecue (although you might want to do yourself a favor and go to John Mueller's -- or head to Lockhart for Kreuz).

The Cedar Door just moved about a block from the hotel. It is a legendary bar that has been in 3-4 locations (the whole building has been moved each time). I haven't been in the new location, but it's been pretty good in the past.

I also like the Shoreline grill, which is directly between the Radisson and the 4 Seasons.

Sadly, I doubt you'll find much good music on a Tuesday night. You will probably have the most luck at Antones, which is only a few blocks away. I'd walk.

If you're not so interested in the music, I like Saba, in the warehouse district.

If you have more questions, I'll try and answer them.

Have fun.
There you go, a ringing endorsement of the RCC by none other than 111. Could be a new signature line. Way to go 111.

You can go to Chuy's on Barton Springs Road. It is a very cheap Taxi ride away...maybe 15 blocks. This is the restaurant that Jenna Busch made famous. Pretty decent Tex-Mex and cool atmosphere. Then head back to Sixth and walk around till you hear the music you want. Also, check the local websites like austincitysearch, austin360 and auschron (the austin chronicle) to see what bands are coming to town and who is playing where.

This may seem dumb but maybe you would be interested in heading up to campus and taking a tour of our stadium. Seeing as how we play on neutral turf in Dallas it may be worth seeing. You will see about four less of something you have seven of but we are working on getting that fixed.

You could do this over a lunch perhaps. Just an idea. You may enjoy the scenery at the Hula Hut as well. It is on the lake and the sunsets are quite nice. There are tons of wimmens to gander at too. Tons. No, it is not a gay bar. You will need to take a cab there too but again, not very far away at all.

Have fun and enjoy Austin. If anybody gives you too much negative crap, they are not Horns. They are prob. Sooners, errrr, Aggies.
Well I ultimately ended up eating at Fleming's and Guero's and hanging out at Antone's to see Bob Schneider. Both restaurants were excellent. All-in-all, it was a good day and a half in Austin. Post-note, I started watching 40 Days and 40 Nights last night while I was working out, and the introductory song was one that Bob Schneider sang. That was a treat.
Loopy...whad I say. All I commented on was that Austin Land and Cattle is where the best steaks in town are. I dont speak of the RCC, OCH or the cellar.