Again, pick the color of the person, if you need too.
I don't, I know my neighborhood, I know probably 95% of the kids that live in the two three block area, I don't look at the black kid any differently then the white kid. If I see one of them acting a fool, I will ask them what they are doing? I will call their parents regardless of being white or black.
This whole thing my subconcious what? Don't give me that mumbo jumbo, that is the biggest bunch of ******** in the world. Maybe if I grew up in the 1940's or 1950's I could give that to you but I have grown up with Black kids being good and white kids being bad and vice versa.
Let's try this:
Pretend I had a choice of going down two streets, and this is a real scenario in parts of Dallas, one that is crime ridden mostly African American or another street that is mostly white and almost no crime occurs.....which street am I going to choose, most people regardless of color will choose the safe street every time.
If it was a trailer park full of white trash and meth houses vs, I can't think of the name of that street, I want to say Grande, I am choosing Grande.
What you are not getting is I don't care what color you are, if it is dangerous or you dress or act like a crook, you are going to get more looks from me then if you dress like a respectable human being. What is respecable to you and me may be different, which is fine, that is not racist that is from my experience and there is nothing wrong with it, just recognize that if you dress like a crook, others may single you out whether you are white black green blue orange it does not matter.
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and looks like a duck, I am betting it is a duck. I don't give a dam what color the duck is and I am getting tired of people telling that that I do is how one acts.........